Members attending: Pat Boze (Illinois State Library), Anita Foster (Illinois State University), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Kristine Hammerstrand (CARLI), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Tami Luedtke (DePaul University), Michael Norman (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Ted Schwitzner (CARLI), Matthew Short (Northern Illinois University), Susan Singleton (CARLI), Connie Walsh (CARLI), Suzanne Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University)
Members absent: Tom Goetz (Harper College)
Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Brandon Gant
Guests: none.
The meeting began with several announcements, including the schedule of the vendor webinars. Kris received commitments from five vendors using Kris and Susan provided updates on CARLI activities related to budget planning. Brandon offered an update on Systems Services work with open source systems.
The Task Force then discussed plans for expanding communications on the I-Share Next process. Margaret Chambers provided an overview of what we already have, including a FAQ page on the CARLI website, and the ability to provide a means for feedback through comments. The TF decided that I-Share Next should be included in the “Products and Services” menu on the website. TF members will need to begin providing updates to the FAQ page, and routinely check for and answer comments. Margaret suggested that she could create a group account, for members to post and respond as the group; or members could create accounts for the website that are specific to their role on the task force.
Members then discussed the kind of feedback that the TF would find useful from the vendor webinars. CARLI staff will create a survey that includes basic questions covering what consortial functionality or features viewers found appealing, disappointing, or lacking. The survey may include a question getting at anything viewers perceive in the products that may transform library work. The survey will request demographics on functional area and staff level.
The group followed with a review of the "Describing" task area of the RFP. Matt Short reviewed the organization and thought process on the working document. TF members expanded on the content, such that this document may be expanded upon further by a working group.
Over lunch, members identified some new education interests. Specifically, members identified a NISO group that is exploring discovery service integration with library management systems. The TF may want to contact a member of this group, possibly even Marshall Breeding. Ted Schwitzner then described a survey tool that the I-Share Systems Committee created in 2013-2014 covering systems interoperability needs. Ted reviewed the background of the survey and its goals to provide details to CARLI and to the ISN process regarding products that libraries and their host institutions use that should be expected to function with I-Share Next. The survey need not be distributed at this time, but we need to be mindful of these areas as we compile the RFP. We possibly may want to have data on these areas before we score the RFP.
The TF concluded with a review of the "Sharing" task area of the RFP. Sue and Pat introduced the work effort so far, noting that the content is driven by front line operations needs, and so far is based on keeping existing functionality and advancing. TF members amended the document. Sue, Pat, and Tom will re-edit the section to include "I-Share Next will/should" language on components.
Tuesday, January 27, 10am-noon;Ex Libris Alma
Tuesday, February 10, 10am-noon; OCLC WorldShare Management Services
Wednesday, February 11, 2pm-4pm; Innovative Interfaces Sierra
Friday, Feburary 13, 10am-noon, ProQuest Intota
Friday, Feburary 13, 2-4pm, SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Campus