Lorraine Olley, 2013-2015, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
Anne Thomason, 2014-2017, Lake Forest College
Gregory MacAyeal, 2014-2017, Northwestern University
Members Absent:
Beth McGowan, 2013-2016, Northern Illinois University
Julie Wroblewski, 2013-2015, Benedictine University
Miriam Centeno, 2014-2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff present:
Nicole Swanson
Elizabeth Clarage
The minutes for January 6, 2015 were approved.
The preservation survey will go out on March 1. The deadline will be March 20, with a reminder to complete the survey going out on March 13.
The committee voted on Anne’s submissions to the webliography. The additions were approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 am.
CARLI continues the process of filling the vacancy on the committee. A library director with a staff member who is interested has been contacted and will get back to us this week.
Summer Burn Recovery Workshop: The committee appreciates the hard work Miriam, Elizabeth, and Nicole have put into the Summer Burn Recovery Workshop.
The workshop will be free and there will be a limited number of places. Once we know the IFSI staff for the workshop will be, we can move forward with marketing the event.
July 16 has been verified as the date.
Committee members probably can bring specific formats to see how they burn. If an item is potentially very flammable, please check in advance. The bulk of the material will be provided by the University of Illinois.
Spring Preservation Tour, Springfield
So far 18 people have registered.
Registration closes on February 20.
Committee members need to register if they will be attending.
The committee reviewed the survey question by question and made edits and changes.
We decided to open the survey on March 1 and close it on March 20, with a reminder sent out on March 13th.
Lorraine volunteered to draft the email introduction to the survey for review by the committee. The email will explain what information and date will be needed to finish the survey, the time required, and let people know they may need to confer with other colleagues to answer the questions. The introduction should make clear this is not a survey you can click on upon receiving and fill out in one sitting--gather your data first.
All questions are required except additional comments at the end.
Tasks Assigned
Anne Thomason took minutes for the day.
Lorraine and Sandra will check with Julie Wroblewski to confirm that she is getting the committee emails.
Lorraine will draft the email introduction and share with the group for review.
Miriam, Beth, and Julie will provide comments on the survey soon.
Miriam is writing the February Preservation tip and Greg is writing the March tip.
Nicole will add the committee’s additions to the Preservation website.
Elizabeth will revise the survey to reflect the committee’s changes and send back to the group for review.