In-Person at Columbia College Chicago
Members attending: Rebecca Brown, co-chair (College of DuPage); Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University); Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Paula Garrett, co-chair (Illinois Math and Science Academy); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College Chicago); David Stern (Saint Xavier University); Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Tori Tracy (Prairie State College); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Staff absent: Debbie Campbell
- CARLI Annual Meeting is Thursday 10/30/14 – Paula will present for us.
- Elizabeth reported on the pilot project in E-PDA books. Cliff notes, travel books and textbooks may be in use by students. Interesting to know if they have started using E-books in place of buying textbooks.
- Richard attended the Seattle conference on assessment. An interesting tool was Tableau, helpful, but pricy.
- White paper expansion of last year’s project on assessment and Voyager reports.
- Categorize Voyager reports, simplify looking through the lists of available reports
- What am I trying to do and which report will do that for me
- Jennifer’s cube/database project will be included
- We’ll look for the variables we need in reports to duplicate in Voyager 9
- Produce list of local reports, why do you need them, how do you apply them
- Jennifer’s example – CIRC stat 3 – used to demo to admin how you support faculty
- Describe reports so that non I-Share libraries understand
- Qualitative assessment along with quantitative can be powerful
- RDA project webinar with Technical Services Committee. Communicating RDA to non-technical services people.
- E-book project with Collection Management Committee. We will participate by presenting a session (panel possibly) on a topic concerning e-books that is important to PSC.
- Example - how to help users navigate the world of e-books?
- Patron driven acquisitions
- Planned for end of April 2015.
- Tool matrix is on hold for a CARLI best practices project.
- Space videos – new addition, will continue to advertise.
- Personal knowledge management, how to curate and manage information.
- David discussed SharePoint, Diigo, and Zotero as tools to consider. Diigo works well for group projects.
- Are people using e-books? Federated searches, full text – usage and satisfaction survey types of questions.
- Understanding Voyager 9
- Question of the month will be done on a threaded discussion, may be some good ideas from the IACRL project website. We will attempt to post one a month. We will post a summary of the issue and let posters expand on the ideas.
- RDA – how will it impact Public Services
- Julia is interested in discovering differences and similarities in Public Services staff duties, titles can be so different, department organization question for email discussion
- Lib guides – update and functionality question
Tasks Assigned:
- David will draft first question for the email list and will share for group input
- David will send tutorial of Diigo
- Debbie/Elizabeth will re-link (activate) the IACRL page
- Raeann will work on a lib guide question for email list
- Paula will contact CMC to let them know we are interested in participating
- Becky will contact TSC about participating in RDA project
- Past minutes were approved.
- Minutes for in-person meeting were taken by Becky Brown. Taking minutes in future meetings will be assigned in alphabetical order. Be sure to send comments and corrections within seven days. No comments will be understood as approval. Minutes will be posted on our website by Elizabeth or Debbie.
- IACRL website – will keep and update for now.
- E-book session - David, Jennifer, Tory, Paula
- RDA Webinar – Anne, Becky, Paula
- Face to Face Meeting will be in late April/early May. Topic – expansion of White Paper, using data for assessment – Julia, Richard, Jennifer, Debbie, Elizabeth
- Personal knowledge management tools – Anne, David, Julia, Raeann
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Annual project topic due end of October.
- Next meeting is October 9th from 10:00 to 11:30. We will be able to connect through Adobe Connect to share screens, but will discuss in person on the phone, can’t be partly on VOIP and partly on phone.