Conference Call
Members Attending: Kathleen Bloomberg (Illinois State Library), Susan Duncan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Jennifer Funk (McKendree University), Sandra Harris (Olivet Nazarene University), Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), Amanda Pippitt (Millikin University), Deirdre Rawls (Robert Morris University), Jeff Ridinger (Illinois State University)
Staff Attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- Minutes approved.
- Suggestions to CARLI on committee project/white paper: provide more guidelines in order to curb confusion.
- Committee will wait for new members before deciding what/any undertakings for Fall. Will hopefully get feedback from the white paper and plan based on that.
- Shelflister 3 is live and CARLI is looking into feedback.
- There is cataloging training on Thursday and Friday at CARLI office; ContentDM training on June 4th.
- New committee members have been invited but not official.
- Jeff and Jennifer volunteered to co-chair the committee.
- EBL in library catalog; committee determined very useful but had questions on when the consortium “owns” the books (how many check-outs? Can you tell if a book has been purchased by the MARC record?).
- White paper is available online in the Board of Directors agenda for June 6, 2014.
Tasks Assigned
- Amanda will post to the listserv repeating May’s question about "Older delinquent accounts for lost/damaged materials" to receive more responses; there was good discussion on listserv recently on other topics and this one may have been missed.
- In July, the committee will send an email out to the listserv inviting to read the white paper.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- July 3, 2PM Conference Call
Planning Lead Times
- Requiring 4 or more months planning
- CARLI systems training
- CARLI committee events (e.g., forums)
- CARLI joint meetings (e.g., committee chairs, liaisons, etc.)
- Requiring 2 or more months planning
- CARLI committee meetings held offsite
- CARLI continuing education “informal” event held at CARLI office (e.g., a hackfest)
- Requiring 1 or more months planning
- CARLI committee meetings held at the CARLI office
- Requiring 1 or more weeks planning
- CARLI committee meetings by conference call only