Conference Call
Members attending: Elizabeth Cribbs (Northern Illinois University, co-chair), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Lynn Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Lauren Noel (Columbia College, co-chair), and Tonya Webb (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign).
Members absent: Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Mary Tatro (Augustana College).
Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner and Nicole Swanson.
- June 20th minutes approved.
- The date for the Committee’s in person meeting is set for August 19th at 10 AM at the CARLI Office.
- It was also agreed that Tuesdays were the best day to set our regularly scheduled conference calls.
- The Committee welcomed three new members: Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), and Mary Konkel (College of DuPage).
- The CARLI Annual Meeting will take place on October 30th, 2014 at the IHotel and Conference Center in Champaign. Sessions will highlight research conducted by staff members from CARLI libraries. There is an August 22nd deadline for session submissions.
- There is a job opening for the position of Library Services Coordinator. This person would join CARLI’s User Services group. A full description of the position can be found on the CARLI Website.
- Jen directed the committee to CARLI’s website and specifically to the Technical Services Committee’s page which includes an outline of the team’s charge. Jen also explained that this committee is the result of a merger of two previous committees: Acquisitions & Serials with Authority Control. This is the 2nd year of this configuration.
- Elizabeth, Lauren & Nicole attended the Chairs’ meeting on 7/21/14 and reported on the following:
- Susan Singleton, CARLI’s Executive Director, commented on the quality and scope of this year’s white papers and acknowledged the time involved in creating these documents. She also spoke of the need to go beyond the ‘white paper’ format when appropriate for the 2015 annual projects.
- Next year’s annual projects could embrace other formats such as “how to” documents, best practices, review of the literature, hyperlinked bibliographies, webinars or podcast series, etc. The only stipulation is recorded projects would require written summaries and scripts for accessibility purposes be included in order to serve as educational resources. If surveys are to be done, Susan and Margaret would want to review the questions before-hand for tone as well as content of questions.
- The deadline to submit the topic to Susan is Nov. 1.
- Mention was also made of including brief presentations or poster sessions about the 2014 white papers at the annual meeting in October.
- General guidelines were also given for setting up timelines for event planning as to ensure enough time to engage speakers (especially those outside of CARLI), arrange venues, etc.
- Kristine Hammerstrand reported on the status of “I-Share Next Task Force” committee whose goal is to select and implement the system that will replace Voyager as the software platform for I-Share. The Task Force will strive to keep the process as transparent as possible, and keep CARLI members involved and well informed. A web page, "Frequently Asked Questions About I-Share Next" is available on the CARLI web site.
Old Business:
- Elizabeth updated us on a webinar proposal: during last spring’s RDA forum, there was a session about communicating RDA to non-technical services people and some participants had suggested expanding that by offering a CARLI-based webinar. Elizabeth, Lauren, Ted & Nicole discussed expanding this topic to include collaborating with the Public Services Committee. Elizabeth has reached out to Public Services co-chairs, Becky Brown & Paula Garrett.
- Nicole reminded us about maintaining the RDA Resources page and mentioned recent updates that she and Mary Tatro have added to the calendar of upcoming RDA trainings.
New Business:
- Discussion of future projects & ideas:
- It was generally agreed that we need to start thinking of ideas for the annual project and bring ideas to our in person meeting in August.
- There is quite a bit of interest in assisting Ted, Nicole, and Jen with short training videos for new tech services employees.
- MARCedit seems to be a strong possible topic for our Spring Forum. It was noted that many of us are not too familiar with it, but have an interest in learning more; bringing Terry Reese in to talk or having a presentation by CARLI members who use MARCedit extensively was discussed.
- “Standards for Bibliographic Records in I-Share” was last updated in 2006, so there is no mention of RDA. There is a strong interest in updating this document and a sub-committee was formed: Lynn will oversee this subcommittee which also includes Ann, Elizabeth, Keith & Mary Konkel. Many thanks to all of them for volunteering to work on this update!
- Ted discussed the status of the tag table updates.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
• Our next in-person meeting is Tuesday, August 19th from 10-2:30 at the CARLI Office.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lauren Noel