Xiaotian Chen (Minutes taker), Andrea Imre (Chair), Andrew Meyer, Stacey Knight-Davis
Denise Green, Joanna Kolendo, Jeffrey Matlak, Jim Millhorn, Steve Oberg. Joanna and Jim were not able to join due to technical issues with the conference line.
Paige Weston
Minute taker: In the spirit of alphabetical order, Xiaotian Chen offered to take minutes in the July meeting (the first meeting of the new cycle).
Update from Paige: All local instances are now linked to the CARLI shared instance. The EBOOK_LIBRARY_LCL, representing CARLI's ebook PDA titles, target appears to be working fine.
Working group updates
Training webinars planning team
Need member replacement. Andy offered to join the training team.
Decision: Paige will continue to send out newly created tutorials to the committee for feedback but team members will make the final decision when the tutorials are ready for release on the CARLI website.
Paige said specific scripts and slides provided by members for new tutorials would be really helpful.
In most recently created tutorial, Gale targets could be added to demonstrate localization of L/P values.
Member survey planning team
Survey status: CARLI office has done initial review; it is ready for SFX Committee members to test it by completing the survey; Paige sent out “first draft rendering of committee's survey in SuveyMonkey” on the morning of July 9 to the committee with the survey link; after tested by the committee, Margaret Chambers of CARLI Office will have a formal review.
The survey team will analyze the survey results.
Andrea offered to join the team.
FREE/Open Access targets review
Denise sent out an Excel file to the committee. Language expertise is needed from committee members to evaluate the OA journals.
Andrea and Xiaotian offered to join the team.
Paige suggested creating a list of criteria SFX admins can use in evaluating free / OA targets.
Other ideas from in person meeting in June
CARLI committee chairs’ meetings on July 21: Andrea will suggest some kind of open access presentation. Stacey offered to present on PubMed.
Other items
Green dots in SFX update 4.6.1. Andrea found it confusing and not helpful; committee members agreed; it was suggested that Andrea send the feedback to Ex Libris product working group, so that we will see what Ex Libris has to say about why the green dots were added in the new release.
Next Meeting: August 13, 2014