Members attending: Kim Fournier, chair, William Rainey Harper College; Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago; Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Chair pro-tem); Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; John Small, North Central College; Todd Spires, Bradley University; Susan Prokopeak, Joliet Junior College; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Members Absent: Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology
Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli
Staff Absent: Elizabeth Clarage
JJC’s America’s Music grant is winding down.
University of Illinois is in the process of scoring the Serial RFPs and will open the monograph RFP on March 20th. U of I anticipates awarding the contracts by July 1.
Beth Trotter (a 32 year veteran of the UIUC library) will be retiring this year along with at least two other library staff. The University anticipates a number of new positions being open in the coming year.
Jen announced that all of the new libraries have been added to I-Share.
Semi-Annual review of scholarly communications – Pam suggestions for updates sent to Elizabeth last month. Two other updates
IACRL Preconference Update (Lynn & Todd) - The program preparations seem to be going well. Jennifer reported that the preconference has a full registration and there is a waiting list at this point.
Weeding Collection Series- Jen reported on the series and announced that the latest event has been posted but not announced yet. On the Collections webinar page:
The most recent event had thirty-nine individuals registers and at least thirty individuals attended. The consensus was that it went very well. CARLI will be sending out evaluation forms.
The White paper abstract based on webinars and overview of literature will be available before the next meeting. It will probably be about five pages long. Committee members should review it before the next meeting and be prepared to go over it at our 4/10 (in-person) meeting. If you have any suggestions please let Kim know.
Registration is not yet open for the eBooks PDA Patron Driven Acquisition. The morning session will involve the whole group and the afternoon will offer beginning and advanced program tracks. The iHotel in Champaign registration not set up yet and there is some discussion about a discounted room rate but that has not yet been decided.
Susan was selected to take Minutes.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 am.