Conference Call
Members attending: Rebecca Brown (College of DuPage); Rosanne Cordell (Northern Illinois University), Paula Garrett (Illinois Math and Science Academy); Andrew Lenaghan (Joliet Junior College); Jennifer Sauzer (Columbia College); David Stern, chair (Illinois State University); Tori Tracy (Prairie State College)
Members absent: Anne Buchanan (Saint Xavier University); Marianne Ryan (Northwestern University)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Elizabeth Clarage
Guests attending: None
- IACRL Pre-Conference survey closes on Tuesday, March 18
- The public services pre-conference session will take place from 2:30-3:30 on March 20.
- It was discussed whether to include survey data on the public site. Content can be added periodically as it is acquired and the structure can be adjusted as needed. The possibility of developing a best practices list at a later date from the information gathered, was also discussed.
- The four groups leading discussion at the pre-conference shared what they plan on talking about. Andrew will introduce everyone at the beginning rather than between topics, then wrap up afterward. It was also discussed whether to remain as one large group or break into smaller ones, it was decided that smaller groups would take too long.
- For the security concerns forum, Sarah McHone-Chase has confirmed for June 16th. Kent Munsterman instead of Chief Mullin will present the active shooter training. Preferred topics for Tomas Lipinksi were also discussed, the first two topics were the favorites.
- For the space videos, David asked if we could have a generic account for people to use to upload. Debbie and Elizabeth will see what is possible.
- Minutes: Tori was selected to take minutes.
- February minutes should be initialed by the end of the week to be considered approved
- White paper and matrix discussions were postponed
Tasks Assigned:
- Andrew will write the call for volunteers for the 24-hour library panel, and email it to the email list for edits.
- Elizabeth and Debbie will write an introductory paragraph for the call for volunteers (written by Andrew), and email it to the email list for edits before sending to the larger CARLI community.
- Andrew will write the descriptive paragraph for the space video, and email it to the email list for edits.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Our next meeting will be April 17.