Overwhelmed by the two drafts of the new Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education that will update the current standards from 2000? >Read on to find a quick list of links to discover what other librarians are saying on the subject and join in on the discussion. Read the first part and second part of the draft and sign up to join the live web forum on April 17 at 10 am, Central. ACRL has extended the deadline for feedback to Monday, April 21st at 5pm, Central.
Donna Witek- Information Literacy and the New Draft ACRL IL Framework
Troy Swanson- The New Information Literacy Framework and Community Colleges
Laura Dowler- Draft Framework for Information Literacy: Some Thoughts
Andy Burkhardt- New Framework for Information Literacy
Barbara Fister- On the Draft Framework for Information Literacy
Nicole Pagowsky-Thoughts on ACRL’s New Draft Framework for ILCSHE