Conference Call
Members attending: Bonnie Parr (Chair), Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, David Bell, Eastern Illinois University, Sandra Fritz, Illinois State Library, Beth McGowan, Northern Illinois University, Annette Morris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Nicole Swanson
- New links submitted by Annette for the Preservation Webliography were approved.
- Spring webinar on environmental monitoring.
- There is currently a book arts display at Lincoln Land Community College. Carli Preservation Comm. member, Andrew Huot, has 2 pieces in the show.
- Preservation Week is April 27-May 3, 2014.
Discussion items:
- Preservation Webliography
- Reminder that Committee members should check the webliography links they are responsible for and submit any new links to Elizabeth and Nicole. They will update the web page.
- Preservation Tip newsletter contributions
- Sandra is doing the Preservation Tip for February.
- Julie is doing the Preservation Tip for March on Preservation Week.
- Blog contributions
- Annette is doing the spring blog and plans to share it by the end of March. The topic is online video/YouTube resources for disaster preparedness training.
- Plans for Spring webinar
- The focus will be environmental monitoring.
- Bonnie and David have volunteered to be presenters. Annette will ask the staff person in charge of environmental monitoring at UIUC if she would like to present.
- Tentative dates are May or mid-June, 2014.
- Preservation White Paper
- The topic is the current state of preservation\conservation training and resources for preservation\conservation assistance.
- Select a few good links that can be relied on as best sources.
- Sandra, David and Annette are responsible for coordinating the section on digital resources.
- Bonnie and Beth are responsible for coordinating the section on preservation of print resources
- March 26 – Submit rough drafts of white paper to the Comm. email list or wiki for review by Comm. members.
- April 16 – Discussion and final revisions of white paper will be done at the next Comm. in-person meeting at ISU.
- Topics to think about for April meeting
- New committee member recommendations
- David and Bonnie will be rolling off of the Committee. We need recommendations for 2 new members that have preservation experience and need to select a new chair.
- Discuss possibility of sponsoring Burn Recovery Workshop in Fall 2014 or Spring 2015. IL Fire Services Institute requires many months advance notice to schedule event, so we need to make this decision asap.
Tasks assigned:
- Andrew will send out directions and parking availability for the April 16th meeting
- Elizabeth and Nicole will update the webpage with Annette’s new webliography links.
- White paper rough drafts due March 26th
Meeting dates:
- April 16 – Next meeting will be in-person at Milner Library, IL State University. Andrew will host; CARLI will provide lunch.
- June 11 - Conference call.