Conference Call
Members attending: James Edstrom (WRH, co-chair), Lynnette Fields (SIE, co-chair), Deborah Morris (ROU), John Whisler (EIU), Kavita Mundle (UIC)
Staff attending: Nicole Swanson, Jennifer Masciadrelli
Staff absent: Ted Schwitzner
Minute Taker: Kavita Mundle
- Approval of December 11 Minutes
- CARLI Report – Jen and Nicole
- Two new base files of ASP records are available for Dental Education and Counselling and Therapy in Video as well as six supplements.
- The production circ loads for the four new libraries, College of DuPage, JKM Library, Lincoln College, and McMurray College, are live on Voyager.
- Important CARLI announcements that appeared in December newsletter: CARLI I-Share Next Task Force and the application process for volunteers; CARLI selected EBL as the vendor DDA e-book pilot program; and CARLI board approved changes to CARLI membership criteria and benefits.
Old Business:
- Spring Forum (Tuesday, April 8, 2014, UIS)
- The date of the Spring Forum is Apr. 8th at UIS.
- The theme is Changing Landscapes- I-Share and the World Around Us.
- Guest speakers: M.J. Han and Kim Cole will be the keynote speakers; Gary Strawn will present on what one can do to bib records related to RDA
- A tentative agenda for the Forum was discussedapproved at next meeting.
- Breakout sessions (p.m.) for 20 minutes with 10 minute break, repeated: Communicating RDA non-technical services, I-Share Systems team topic (possibly Display implications of RDA in I-Share), Catalogers- Q and A about RDA (additional questions from morning session on RDA Best Practices in the Consortial Environment), (possible new features session on Voyager version 9).
- RDA Best practices document
- An outline of the RDA best practices document that Lynn, Deb, Kavita, and Lori) are working on was shared.
- The draft will be sent to the committee for review by Jan 22.
- IACRL pre-conference on assessment
- Jim, Lynn, Elizabeth, and Deb will moderate the session on Technical Services Assessment at the pre-conference. Jim reported that the presenters are planning to sketch the content at the beginning and take questions at the end.
- PDA-DDA forum:
- Lynn reported that this project is moving forward and has received a positive response from the planning committee
- The forum would possibly happen in early June.
- Preventing false overlays in the UC webinar
- Discussion centered on the planning aspect of the webinar, the content of the webinar, and who should do this webinar. The committee members felt that more than one member of the committee and CARLI staff should do the webinar. Content to be included:filling the WRO, avoiding a situation that will make false overlays happen with real examples of how things look before and after overlays, what one library does to review data before filing a WRO.
- RDA stats
- The committee would be interested in having the RDA stats run once every year
- Each month the percentage of RDA records is increasing; RDA records constitute 21.5% of the total records and the percentage of original records was found to be higher, 40-47%
- Replacement TS Committee member
- Nicole and Jen contacted Lauren Noel from Columbia College to see if she will be willing to fill Eric Nygren’s position on the committee.
- White paper
- The committee plans to write a white paper on best practices on the technical services concerns regarding PDA/DDA for e-books. The committee decided to discuss this further at a separate conference before February meeting. Nicole agreed to set up the conference call for the committee.
Tasks Assigned:
- Talk with Jessica about a potential CARLI portion of the Preventing False overlays in the UC webinar – Jen
- Set up a survey and conference call for the white paper discussion on PDA/DDA for ebooks - Nicole
- IACRL pre-conference moderators will set up a separate conference call to discuss session details further
The meeting was adjourned at 11:32 p.m.