Conference Call
Members attending:
Colin Koteles (COD), April Levy (COL), TJ Lusher (NIU), , Rong Li (ISU) , Heather Parisi (DOM), Kirk Hess (UIU), James LeFager (DPU), Karl Pettitt (NIU), Edith List (PRC)
Staff attending:
Cathy Salika, Paige Weston, Ted Schwitzner
- Minutes of the 8/30/2013 meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- Investigate joint effort w/Tech Services discussing RDA in ILS (Ted)
- Environment scan of the consortium - report next meeting (Edith/Karl/Colin/Jim & Kirk).
- Meeting adjourned @ 12:30pm.
CARLI Report (Cathy/Paige)
- Virtualization has sped up batch processing
- Sign up to receive CARLI newsletter or ask CARLI staff for help subscribing
- Upcoming annual meeting - research using CARLI systems
- ExLibris CRM update - contact CARLI w/ any questions.
- In VuFind Vinyl LPs tagged as audio CDs issue, now resolved
- St. Mary of the Lake 611 fields - about a ‘conference’ (e.g. Council of Trent), not part of the subject index, displays on the more details tab, not hyperlinked.
- Add Google Analytics to VuFind will be brought to CARLI board; issues with privacy
- 100 $e relator codes to be used as field labels
- Work Request Onine (WRO) - form for requesting bulk loads of bib records to describe electronic resources, modified to ask the person to make sure the standard numbers truly describe an electronic resource. Too many false matches currently.
- TJ - plan events for the coming year. Anything left out of previous discussion?
- Paige - premature to do de-duping/aggregation strategy for XC.
- Karl - ERMs forum, start with XC.
- Authentication?
- Collaborate with Technical services group on how catalog records look in XC.
- April - learn more about XC
- February timeframe? Forum with broad introduction
- Kirk - what do we need to do? Is CARLI ready for us to do a forum
- Cathy - suggesting a database cleanup project; data harvester? Behind the scenes modules are the furthest along vs. the Drupal front end replacement for VuFind which we don’t know when it will be available.
- Heather - will it be ready by July? We’ll talk about this in December.
- TJ: VuFind -
- Kirk RDA updates?
- Cathy - Hard to deal with the flexibility of RDA - coordinate local decisions and how they affect display in various interfaces.
- Ted - TechServices, 3 members are in the process of writing an article how this affects OPAC display.
- TJ - Propose webinar?
- Cathy - How RDA decisions affect VuFind/TSCommittee along similar lines w/RDA. Ted is going to liaison proposal.
- Karl - explain decisions in index
- Cathy - float idea first and see what happens
- Ted - suggest webinar
- TJ - Vufind - monitoring of tools which interact with voyager, Patron Driven Acquisition.
- Karl - PDA for articles?
- Kirk - which journals come via CARLI
- Paige - EBSCO Academic, Five College Library Depository
- Discussion, maybe raise to Collections group?
- TJ suggests coming back to this issue in the future, group assents
- Colin - Single Signon Issues for libraries/which ones are CARLI institutions using? (Survey?)
- Not quite ready for a survey, needs information gathering, maybe a whitepaper as a deliverable to the board? Karl suggests while we use the same ILS, we use different discovery layers, LMS, etc. ‘Landscape’ survey; percieved goals/needs?
- Edith/Karl/Colin/Jim & Kirk volunteered to work on some kind of environmental scan, report next month.
- Paige via Cathy- most campuses have something in place for authentication, just like we determined that we needed barcodes to be a modern library and documenting what libraries do have. Some libraries don’t have proxy servers, for example.
- Ted - What do libraries want CARLI’s systems to provide and how can we help CARLI provide those services consortially?
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
Next Meeting:
Monday, October 21, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Colin Koteles)
Schedule of I-Share Systems Committee Meetings (3rd Mondays):
- Monday, October 21, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Colin Koteles)
- Monday, November 18, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: James LeFager)
- Monday, December 16, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: April Levy)
- Monday, February 17, 2014, Online/conference call (minutes: Rong Li)
- Monday, March 17, 2014, Online/conference call (minutes: Edith List)
- Monday, April 21, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Heather Parisi)
- Monday, May 19, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Karl Pettitt)
- Monday, June 16, 2013, Online/conference call (minutes: Kirk Hess)