Location: Conference call meeting
Members attending: James Edstrom (WRH, co-chair), Lynnette Fields (SIE, co-chair), Elizabeth Cribbs (NIU), Dallas Long (ISU), Deborah Morris (ROU), Kavita Mundle (UIC), Mary Tatro (AUG), John Whisler (EIU)
Members absent: Tonya Webb (UIU), Eric Nygren (NBY)
Staff attending: Nicole Swanson, Jennifer Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner
Minutes of the last committee meeting on Aug 12 were approved with a minor change.
- CARLI report:
- CARLI working with four new member libraries (COD, JKM, LNC, MMC) test loads, UB integration into I-Share by Jan 2014.
- Nicole reported on VuFind enhancements—publication date displayed in 264 $c; GMD no longer needed to be added and RDA FAQ documented updated; 338 working as a facet.
- CARLI is ready to load records for 10 Alexander Street Press Collections into I-Share
- New tag tables are available with updates to bib, mfhd, and authority tables
- Old business:
- White paper: the committee decided to have an in-person meeting on November 13 at the CARLI Office. Possible ideas for doing a white paper--a new release of ILS, or environmental scan on cataloging, etc., focus on one small idea every year, report due in June.
- Spring forum: planned for April 8, 2014 at UIS, focus could be: RDA, show newer Strawn version, have discussions on e-books, streaming media acquisitions, brainstorm further ideas at the next meeting.
- OCLC number expansion update: John Whisler gave an update on testing and best practices document on the “Effect of OCLC number changes in I-Share environment” highlighting duplicate detection problem and workaround solutions.
- Systems Services Committee update: Ted gave a brief account of CARLI’s work with the eXtensible Catalog (XC) and Voyager Linux conversion. Lynn mentioned that Deb, Kavita, and Lynn are working on best practices document on “RDA in consortial environment.”
- RDA training calendar updated: : RDA training calendar updated. Please send future update to Nicole or Lynn. ILA is having a preconference on RDA on October 14, 2013.
- New Business:
- IACRL pre-conference on assessment: James shared email received from David Stern (chair of Public Services Committee) about the possibility of having a joint all-committee day long pre-conference on assessment. Each CARLI Committee would contribute on a topic, response needed by Oct 2 on how and what we could do as a committee, deadline for proposal submission is Oct 20th and program scheduled for March 2014. The committee brainstormed few ideas in relation to having a panel discussion, what and how to assess, Jim will send out a call on the tech services email list to seek contributions and interest among tech services librarians.
- Fall pre-recorded webinar on OCLC Bib Note Service: Nicole and John gave an update on the possible webinar on OCLC Bib Note service. The revised document on OCLC Bib Note Service in I-Share environment was reviewed and approved. John provided an account of this service and how it functions to the group.
- PDA/DDA doc: Jen suggested that this committee should work on best practices document on loading records for PDA/DDA projects.
Next meeting scheduled for Oct 9, 2013 (conference call); Nov 13, 2013 meeting scheduled for in-person at the CARLI Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Kavita Mundle