From the Local History Resources (University of Illinois at Springfield) collection in CARLI Digital Collections.
"New York, January 25th, 1854. My dear cousin Louise- 'It is in vain to extenuate the matter' said old Patrick Henry over seventy years ago [...]."
So begins this letter written by Calvin Child, in which he discusses his illness, spring vacation, his visit to cousin Julia, snowstorm and sleigh rides, and his slippers. This item is part of a collection of letters of the Chandler family of Chandlerville, Illinois, largely between Louisa Chandler Frackleton and members of her family. The letters have been digitized and made available in the UIS Local History Resources collection, which also contains the inventory of the Chandler Family Papers (MC82). These letters demonstrate CONTENTdm's transcript utility: Transcriptions of the text can be viewed in the page-level descriptions or side-by-side with the page image.
This digital collection features selected resources relating to the history of Springfield and central Illinois drawn from Archives/Special Collections in Norris L Brookens Library at the University of Illinois at Springfield. Included are books and monographs, Clayville Rural Life Center research reports and bibliographies, original letters and official government documents, and photographic collections.
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