Members present: Howard Carter (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Paul Go (Illinois Institute of Technology), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), David Levinson (Lake Forest College), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm, Chair (Newberry Library), Julia Thompson (Western Illinois University).
Members absent: Benn Joseph (Northwestern University),
CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso and Elizabeth Clarage (CARLI staff liaisons). Susan Singleton (CARLI executive director) was present for a portion of the meeting.
Adam Strohm described an email all of the committee chairs received from David Stern, chair of the Public Services Committee. The email proposed that the committees prepare an IACRL pre-conference on assessment, as suggested by Susan Singleton. This is scheduled for late March in Oakbrook, Illinois. Proposal is due to IACRL by October 20. Discussion of ideas applicable to our group included: Assessment of use of collections, assessment of use of CONTENTdm, assessment of cost-effectiveness of digitization processes, a panel discussing use of Google Analytics at our institutions (maybe a Created Content Committee member on a panel with others using Google Analytics for other purposes). Adam will respond to Stern describing these ideas.
Yearbook project: This will utilize the Book Digitization Initiative process with the Open Content Alliance (OCA) that is already in place. The Created Content Committee will not need to review proposals for acceptance: all projects will be accepted. Procedures have already been set up for the yearbooks that utilizes project data from the Book Digitization Initiative project. The contract with OCA runs July-June. If yearbooks don't use up the budget, additional proposals will need to be approved by March or April to ensure digitization will be finished in time. Elizabeth will email documentation for the yearbook project to the group.
Newspapers: After lengthy discussion and further clarification from Susan Singleton, a preliminary plan was developed, pending further information from vendors. CARLI will pay for vendor-supplied TIF and PDF files with basic OCR data for the entire run of student newspapers for each institution exercising this option. Institutions will have the option to purchase from the vendor additional services like article segmentation, quality-assurance of the OCR data, and/or building a CONTENTdm digital collection. Vendor-supplied CONTENTdm digital collections will be hosted on the CARLI CONTENTdm server. Sample vendors estimate the cost of building a digital collection = additional 25 cents per page. For the first step on this project, Amy and Elizabeth will work on getting a request for proposals (RFP) written.
The Committee decided to create a survey for institutions to select which materials they want digitized. If they choose yearbooks, they will be directed to a submittal form. If they choose newspapers, they will be asked for contact information for someone who can provide CARLI with information about the number of issues, pages, size, etc. of the newspapers. Amy and Elizabeth will start drafting the survey.
2. The Committee decided not to plan a forum, in favor of a series of small webcasts/podcasts related to web 2.0 applications and/or digital collection promotion and/or assessment. There were no action items for this project.
3. The Committee discussed how to facilitate conversations about resource-sharing or collaborative grant proposals. The CARLI Digital Collections Interest Group (carlidc-ig) email list could be used to alert members of grant opportunities and invite collaboration. A portal could provide a space for "want ads" posted by member institutions. There were no action items for this project.