CARLI Office - Champaign
Members attending: Fred Barnhart, Loyola University Chicago; Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Kate Harger, McHenry County College (by phone); Kim Fournier, William Rainey Harper College (by phone); Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Karen Janke, Erikson Institute (by phone); Harriet Lightman, Northwestern University (by phone); Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology (by phone); Todd Spires, Chair, Bradley University; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
Members absent: Dave Green, Northeastern Illinois University
Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon
- Minutes of the January 31 meeting were approved prior to the meeting. Todd reminded everyone to log into the group’s wiki and approve.
- The group approved the digitization proposal that was received.
- The group decided that due to the scope and the issues involved with journals from possible predatory open access publishers that the group would not move forward with creating a list of titles and ISSNs.
- Instead of creating a system for members to use for special collections, the group decided to promote ArchiveGrid.
- Loyola has a Humanities Reference and Instruction position open.
- The print patron driven acquisition project has been running for a year. Most books selected have been used at least once.
- The e-book patron driven acquisitions proposal went to University of Illinois Purchasing Department in December. In February, the document was revised and posted February 18 as a Request for Information (RFI).
- Elizabeth Clarage will be talking with staff from a library that may accept VHS format as last copies.
- Applications are being accepted for the Digital Preservation Trainers Program. The instructors for the program will be from the Library of Congress. The goal is to train 18 CARLI members who will then train others. CARLI is paying for the training and hotel.
- Lynn Wiley announced that UIUC has implemented Primo.
- The program “Mold in Libraries” to be held May 10 at the Newberry Library.
- The new committee structure begins on July 1. All charges have been approved by the board. The Collection Management Committee will now have two staff liaisons.
- The CARLI Book Digitization Initiative:
- 7400+ items have been digitized.
- Digitized Book announcements reminder: March - Kim Fournier, April - Fred Barnhart
- The joint Collections and Electronic Resources Working Groups webinar, “Usage Statistics for Electronic Resources: Beyond the Alphabet Soup,” will be held on March 11.
- The joint Collections and Electronic Resources Working Group, “What's the Use?: A Symposium on Usage Statistics” will be held on March 25 at the Hilton Garden Inn. The Keynote speakers will be Jason Price and John MacDonald.
Tasks assigned:
- The group discussed updating the Collections Wiki to a Collections website.
- Fred Barnhart will send Kim Fournier information about other businesses that take care of withdrawn materials similarly to Better World Books, for inclusion.
- Kim Fournier will add dates to the links for the collection development policies, where available.
- Elizabeth Clarage will add webinar links and recorded podcasts links to the Collections webpage.
- Elizabeth Clarage will add information about the last copy project and also information about how to offer withdrawn copies to the mailing list.
- Elizabeth C. will talk to Margaret Chambers about where the Collections webpage should be located on the CARLI website.
- Elizabeth C. will look for and update any additional open repository meetings.
- Todd Spires and Elizabeth Clarage will update the CARLI Scholarly Communications website. They will look at the resources under Scholarly Communications and Institutional Repository on the wiki for possible move to a Scholarly Communications website or elsewhere.
- Fred Barnhart will send the link for the Loyola eCommons to Elizabeth Clarage for inclusion on the CARLI website.
- Elizabeth C. will talk to Margaret C. about listing all of the CARLI institutional repositories on the CARLI Institutional Repository page.
- Elizabeth Clarage will talk with Paige Weston regarding Predatory Open Access Publishers and SFX.
- Elizabeth Clarage will contact OCLC regarding a ArchiveGrid webinar.
- Pam Hackbart-Dean will write information regarding ArchiveGrid for the CARLI newsletter and email lists.
The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.
Future Meetings through June 2013:
Conference Call information: Toll-free: (866) 951-9521 or Local: (217) 244-9054. Meeting: ID/Password: 2045
- March 14, 2013 – 12:00 – 2:00 – conference call
- March 19, 2013 – 9:00 – 10:00 – conference call to review Book Digitization Initiative Proposals
- May 2, 2013 – 11:00 – 3:00 – in-person meeting at CARLI Office
- June 18, 2013 – 10:15 – 11:00 – conference call to review Book Digitization Initiative Proposals
- June 20, 2013 – 1:00 – 3:00 – conference call