CARLI News July 12, 2013

Read the CARLI News for the latest information on CARLI events, new and ongoing projects, product and service updates and upcoming deadlines. Issues are sent to all subscribers of the “Announce” listserv. 

Committee Annual Reports Available

We encourage you to take time to review the annual reports from the Collections Working Group, E-resources Working Group, Preservation Working Group, Public Services Working Group, I-Share Users' Group, and the Digital Collections Users' Group.

Over fifty educational events on a wide variety of topics were offered to CARLI libraries, through the collaborative efforts of all CARLI committees. Overall, there were nearly 1500 registrants to all of the events developed and presented by CARLI committees last year. 

CARLI's committees play a vital role in the ongoing success of the organization, and the service of all of our volunteers maintains the tradition of commitment to developing and maintaining quality programs and services that enhance CARLI’s reputation in Illinois and beyond.

The efforts of CARLI committee members provide a critical service to the organization and to all Illinois libraries, and we offer our thanks and deep appreciation for their service.

CARLI Committee Appointments Complete for FY 2014

CARLI has completed the appointment process for 2013-2014 CARLI committees. Staff from 52 member libraries will serve on all new CARLI Committees in 2013-2014. As in previous years, we will keep the volunteer list on file for any additional openings that may occur this year. We offer our sincere thanks to all those who volunteered to serve on CARLI committees. To review the committee charges and rosters, visit the Committee Directory in the Governance section of the CARLI web site. 

2013 Annual Meeting and Directors' Meetings

The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on November 1, 2013 at the Hilton Garden Inn Conference Center in Champaign. The sessions will feature research findings based on CARLI information or from CARLI libraries. Watch for a call for research sessions coming soon.  

A meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors will precede the Annual Meeting. More information about these meetings will be available later this summer. 


Bibliographic Records for Alexander Street Press Videos

By now, your library should have received a welcome message from Alexander Street Press (ASP) indicating that your access to the video collections you selected for purchase by CARLI has been activated through the ASP website.  

We are now able to offer I-Share libraries the option to have the MARC records for the videos in the collections they selected loaded into their Voyager (local) database. I-Share libraries wishing to have these data loaded, should read the document “Loading Bibliographic Records for the Alexander Street Press Video Collections into I-Share Voyager Databases” follow the instructions in the document. There are various options for the loading of these data and the document will help you to sort through those options, review sample ASP MARC records, and make your decisions. 

If your library is not an I-Share participant, you can still get the MARC records for your online catalog from ASP. Please follow the instructions provided by ASP in your activation message. More information can be found on the ASP web site.

As always, please send questions to the CARLI Office at .

We hope you find these video collections to be a valuable addition to your library's collection!


Voyager Migration to Linux, July 12-14

This weekend, CARLI staff will perform the second set of migration tasks in our project to move Voyager to the Linux operating system (from its current Solaris platform). Cataloging and acquisitions will not be available this weekend beginning at 5pm Friday July 12, and will remain offline through the weekend. All other Voyager services including the public catalog (VuFind and WebVoyage) and circulation will be available as usual. 
CARLI staff completed the first phase of the project (moving the Oracle database management system to Linux) over the weekend of June 21. While the Oracle move required downtime for all Voyager modules, this coming weekend’s move of Voyager can and will occur while the public catalog, circulation, and Universal Borrowing are available for use. Our reports server will also be available this weekend.
This second stage of the Linux migration mainly involves rebuilding the Voyager keyword indexes on the new Linux server. During this process, we will turn off access to Voyager cataloging and acquisition staff clients to avoid any records being added, modified or deleted during the index rebuild process. If you try to use the cataloging or acquisitions clients during the maintenance, you will receive a message that "Voyager is not available."
We will restore access to cataloging and acquisitions clients on the new Voyager Linux system as soon as the index rebuilds are completed, which will be either on Saturday, July 13th or Sunday, July 14th. Please watch for an email announcement and/or check the system status on the CARLI web site.
The CARLI staff has done a careful analysis and planning for this migration, and CARLI staff and volunteers from some I-Share libraries have performed a variety of functional tests on our Voyager Linux test server. Those tests turned up a number of issues that we have already addressed. However, we know we still have some issues, (e.g., “Text Me this Call Number” is not working in Classic WebVoyage). We will follow up after the migration with email updates on this and any other new issues that turn up after the migration. In particular, we expect that some of the functionality that we have in “add-on” services (things like Text Me That Call Number, Shelflister, the New Books List, etc.) or in our own scripts, may prove to need to be adjusted to work as expected under Linux. The CARLI staff will put our highest priority on solving these problems as quickly as possible, and we appreciate you reporting them to us as you find them.
We are optimistic that the migration to Linux will improve Voyager performance in the online services that you use, and will speed up the batch processes that CARLI runs for all 82 I-Share libraries. Thank you for your patience and, as always, please send any questions, concerns, and/or problem reports to us at .

I-Share Annual Statistics

The I-Share annual statistics are now available. Most of the reports are delivered via your ftp account. For I-Share-wide statistics and for more information about the Annual Statistics Package, visit the  “Current Statistics” section at on the CARLI web site.

Preservation Tip: Shelving Commandments

Submitted by: Cason Snow

Next to environmental conditions, the next most important factor in the preservation of physical items in a library is proper handling. While not as glamorous as simulated library fires or images of moldy books, these simple practices will help to keep your books out of the preservation department.

Student workers, especially, should be made aware of these guidelines, and there are numerous examples of them available through a simple online search. A few of the most important ones will be summarized here.

First Commandment: Thou shall remove a book from the shelf by grasping the book cover firmly at the middle of the spine.

Second Commandment: Thou shall not use the headcap or backboard to pull a book from the shelf.

Third Commandment: Thou shall not break a book’s spine. If oversized, either shelve it laying flat, e.g. folios, or on the shelf with the fore edge pointing up so the book rests on its spine.

Fourth Commandment: Shelves shall be properly loaded so that a patron may easily slide the two adjacent books back on the shelf in order to obey the First Commandment.

Fifth Commandment: FiShelves shall not be so loosely loaded that books can lean. This will lead to warpage over time and books neatly shelved inhibit fire and mold damage.

Sixth Commandment: Thou shall be aware at all times when in the stacks. Keep a look out for wet books, insects and other damage to materials, and if found, report immediately. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Here is a short list of useful links:
LC’s Care, Handling and Storage of Books
Preservation 101: Collection Maintenance
Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists: Shelving Books
University of Delaware: How Can Staff Help Preserve Library Materials?

Upcoming CARLI Meetings and Events

Forums, Workshops and Training

July 9-12       Digital Preservation Train-the-Trainers Workshop, Champaign
July 18          New I-Share Library Training: Intro to VuFind and UB, Champaign
July 24          New I-Share Library Training: MFHD Workshop, Champaign

August 14     New I-Share Library Training: Data Review Training, Champaign


July 22        Collection Management Committee, CARLI Office
July 23        Resource Sharing Committee, CARLI Office    
July 29        Instruction Committee, CARLI Office

August 1     Public Services Committee, CARLI Office
August 2     Preservation Committee, CARLI Office
August 13   SFX System Committee, CARLI Office

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

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