Present: Debbie Campbell-CARLI, Howard Carter-SIC, Lorna Engels- CARLI, Sandy Harris-ONU, Sarah McHone-Chase-NIU, Amanda Musacchio-ADL, Matt Ostercamp-NPU, Amanda Pippitt-MIL, Janelle Sander-UIU,
Absent: Jennifer Funk-MCK, Kathy Willis-ELM
Approval of October minutes:
No meeting was held in Oct. The next scheduled meeting will be next Thursday, Nov. 8th.
Matt questioned how the RDA and UB borrowing will work. How will it work with AARC2? There is a concern about two Catalog records. Can they be merged? Lorna will ask OPAC and Cataloging for input.
April 1st is the target date to start implementing RDA. UIU and a few others already using.
Matt would like to try a different way of meeting. Possibly Google Hangout? You would need a Google account. LYNC was also suggested and many already have it.
Everyone is to check on webcam availability and get back to Amanada M. as soon as possible. Possibly do a test run.