Present: James Edstrom (WRH – Chair), Tom Goetz (WRH – IUG Liaison), Carol Rhoades (ISU), Jen Masciadrelli (CARLI), Carol Doyle (NU), Eric Nygren (NBY), Joan Schuitema (NEI), Stephen Smith (UIC), Tonya Webb (UIU)
Not Present: John Ballestro (SIC), Sharon Nelson (NIU)
Confirm Minute Taker: Carol Doyle
Approval of October 24 Minutes: Approved
CARLI Report – Jen
Jim is working on a webinar about reconciling voyager with institutional accounting systems. Other potential topics include fund structure changes, accounting for e-resources. We will have another webinar about ledgers in the spring.
Forums and Open Houses
Jen said that John had not yet heard back from Lynn. It seemed like we were going to ask for a date in spring for UIUC for an open house. Tonya said she thought there were specific dates – will look at e-mail will let us know
Jim asked if we were at the point in the year when we should be speaking about forums. Tom mentioned that if we have done open houses, we might not need to do a forum. We have the hosting institution determine what they talk about at their open houses. Jim said that it might make sense for the combined tech services committee to work on a forum, or, how about a joint forum? Jen said maybe we should think about if there is a school anyone is interested in hearing from, we can share that on the list and we can approach them about hosting an open house.
Jen then encouraged us to think about places to host open houses. More open houses this year rather than a big forum might be a way to go. Jim said he was impressed with the annual meeting this year. Impressed with the RDA session which was conducted by Cathy and Nicole.
Committee Restructuring
Is every one ok with the new charge? We have until November 16th to respond. Everyone is ok with the new structure.
No new business