CARLI Office - Champaign
Members attending: Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Kim Fournier, William Rainey Harper College; David Green, Northeastern Illinois University; Kate Harger, McHenry County College (by phone); Karen Janke, Erikson Institute; Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology (by phone); Todd Spires (Chair), Bradley University; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Members absent: Fred Barnhart, Loyola University Chicago; Harriet Lightman, Northwestern University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon
- Lynn Wiley will take minutes for the meeting.
- The group reviewed the Collection Management Committee and the Created Content Committee charges. Kim Fournier will draft language for the group to approve to edit the original first sentence into two sentences. Small typos were corrected. As well as a recommendation that the language that identifies specific groups work collaborately be removed as the new committee structure is to encourage all groups to work together.
- The group provided language to include in a funded Book Digitization Initiative proposal.
- The group will discuss the Analysis Awards at its next meeting.
- Harper College is bringing up Summons as their discovery system.
- Erikson Institute's president will be leaving.
- The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is bringing up ExLibris' Primo discovery system & Dean Kaufman is stepping down in May 2013.
- Loyola has five open positions. Kenneth Crews will be on their campus during Open Access Week for a talk.
- Bradley has an open position as well.
- Brad Baker has retired as Library Director at Northeastern Illinois University and they currently have an Interim Dean.
- CARLI will be widening the print PDA profile to include science, technology, and medicine titles. Also, records with a 2011 imprint date will be added. The program is doing well and the allotted funds will cover this expansion.
- CARLI will be issuing an invitation to vendors to negotiate on a consortial ebook PDA program. The ideal timeline of such a program beginning is July 1, 2013.
- The Last Copy Program continues.
- The CARLI calendar year selection cycle is now open.
- The new CARLI website is in development and will be using Drupal.
- The CARLI Annual meeting will be Friday, November 9th at the I-Hotel.
- The Joint User Statistics Program with E-Resources Working Group will be held on March 25 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Champaign. Both Jason Price and John MacDonald from Claremont Colleges will be keynote speakers. Denise Green from Millikin University is working on a webinar on the ABCs of use statistics. There will be breakout sessions and speakers are needed: Todd offered to help Cindy with that.
Tasks Assigned:
- Group members need to review the September 2012 minutes on the group's wiki.
- Predatory Open Access Journals. To identify titles in SFX, the CARLI Office needs ISSNs. The project looks to be bigger than originally thought. Chad, David, Lynn, and Kim offered to help look up a small group of titles in SFX to see if a good percentage were there. The group will discuss the project feasibility once this information is known.
- Nichole, Pam, Todd, and Elizabeth will meet soon regarding the special collections survey and report back to the group.
- The group will discuss the Collections Clearinghouse at its next meeting and remove outdated content.
Next Meetings:
Information will be sent via the group's email list.