Conference Call
Members attending: Chad Buckley, Illinois State University; Kim Fournier, William Rainey Harper College; Kate Harger, McHenry County College; Karen Janke, Erikson Institute; Harriet Lightman, Northwestern University; Nichole Novak, Illinois Institute of Technology; Todd Spires (Chair), Bradley University; Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Members absent: Fred Barnhart, Loyola University; David Green, Northeastern Illinois University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon
- Todd was selected as minute taker.
- Group members will rotate taking minutes (October minute taker: Lynn Wiley)
- No changes were made to the agenda.
- Elizabeth shared a document with the group that was presented at the September CARLI Board meeting on the Print Patron Driven Acquisitions project that included information on purchases by subject as well as circulation comparison of the PDA materials with the entire I-Share collection.
- Lynn mentioned that the University of Illinois – Urbana has an opening for University Librarian.
- Todd mentioned that a Health Sciences Librarian position would be opening soon at Bradley University.
- When the committee reorganization is complete, the new groups will all be “committees” rather than working groups, user groups, or teams.
- The one proposal that was received in September for the Book Digitization Initiative was selected for program (based upon the review from group members).
- As tasked in August, Todd and Elizabeth reviewed the documentation for the Book Digitization Initiative. The only change to the documentation was the deadlines for submissions.
- As tasked in August, the CARLI Scholarly Communications Website was reviewed and broken links were updated. The site will next need updating in March 2013.
- Joint User Statistics Program with the E-Resources Working Group:
- Cindy and Kate reported that the combined sub-committee had made its first planning phone call. On that call they identified a possible keynote speaker, they began to create a program. The idea they seemed to be working on was something regarding the A to Z or the nuts & bolts of user statistics. Possible topics mentioned were best practices for collection development librarians, CARLI’s role in gathering statistics and ROI data in document delivery and other services. The location will probably be Champaign sometime during the last two weeks of March 2013.
- Elizabeth followed up on questions brought up in the August committee meeting. She asked Cathy Salika how to identify all items lost for a particular library. Cathy identified fourteen different ways that I-Share libraries presented lost items in the system and summarized these in a spreadsheet which Elizabeth shared to the committee via email. After some questions about Cathy’s spreadsheet, Kim decided to revisit the topic at her library to clarify what she wanted from CARLI.
Tasks Assigned:
- All group members will review the August minutes on the group’s wiki by October 5, 2012.
- All group members will review the charges that were distributed for both the Collection Management Committee and the Created Content Committee (which will also include the group that is currently the Digital Collections Users’ Group). The group will discuss the charges at its October meeting.
- Digital Book of the Month. The group decided to continue the practice of creating a CARLI blog entry to publicize the Book Digitization Initiative.
- Elizabeth will write an entry for October
- Kim for November
- Chad for December
- Lynn for January
- Predatory Open Access Journals: Chad, Lynn, and Elizabeth volunteered to start on a list of ISSNs of predatory open access journals using Beall’s List. Paige has indicated that she cannot automatically block a publisher in SFX but would need a list of ISSNs. She also had asked if the group would create a statement about these troublesome publications with recommendations to libraries. The CWG decided that yes, they would create a statement that Paige could share with libraries with the recommendation that the titles identified as predatory be removed as links from SFX.
- For the Lost Items/Inventory, Elizabeth was asked to contact Cathy again to find out which items on her spreadsheet actually show up to the public users of I-Share.
- Special Collections Survey: Between the committee’s August and September meeting, Elizabeth wrote up a description of this project from the beginning. This was intended to help newer members decide if it was worth pursuing forward. In general, the committee thought the idea of gathering data on hidden collections was a good one. The question was how to go forward. After some discussion, it was decided that the data gathered was not intended to be published, names and phone numbers were included. Before anything was put online, we needed to contact the libraries which participated. After MUCH discussion, it was decided that Elizabeth, Todd and Nicole will work on a plan for moving forward with this project.
- Collections Clearinghouse: Kim reported that nothing had changed on this webpage recently. She felt that she needed “new eyes” to look at it. Elizabeth suggested that committee members review the pages and come prepared to discuss at our October meeting.
- Elizabeth will poll the group for meeting times through the end of the June 2013.
Next Meeting:
- October 25th in person at the CARLI office.