Visit the CARLI Committee Directory for a list of all active committees and task forces, and a link to the rosters and charges for each group.
CARLI provides public access to Board and Committee meeting minutes and reports, in order to keep all members informed about the activities and operation of the consortium.
The work of the various committees and other bodies described in the Committee Guidelines is vital to the successful operation and continued evolution of the CARLI consortium. The Guidelines assist chairs and members in fulfilling their roles. It reflects CARLI’s standard operating procedures for all committees, unless otherwise approved in advance by the CARLI Senior Director. In addition to the guidelines, CARLI committee chairs may find it helpful to review CARLI’s mission and strategic priorities, its institutional membership roster, its list of services, and some of its history.
CARLI uses advisory committees, working groups, teams, and task forces to assist in providing resources and services that the meet the informational, instructional and research needs of students, faculty and staff throughout higher education. To function effectively, CARLI committees need broad based and active participation from member institutions of all sizes and types. Participation in the work of these bodies offers library staff members a unique opportunity to influence the future of the consortium and its service program.
CARLI seeks volunteers annually for committee terms beginning on July 1. CARLI accepts volunteer nominations throughout the year, even when there are no current committee vacancies. However, in order to ensure that we have current information and expressions of interest, the volunteer database is cleared in March of each year, at the beginning of the annual nomination cycle. Only submissions dated April 1 or later will be used to make appointments for terms beginning July 1.