Conference Call
Meeting convened at 1:30 p.m.
Members attending: Susan Gallagher (UIS),Lori Murphy (DPU) Chair; Lynnette Fields (SIE), Dennis McGuire (COL), Deborah Morris (ROU), Kavita Mundle (UIC), Heather Parisi (DOM), John Whisler (EIU), Edith List (PRC, IUG Liaison)
CARLI staff attending: Cathy Salika (CARLI staff liaison), Nicole Swanson, Paige Weston
Selection of minute taker.
Minutes from the October 1, 2012 meeting were approved.
Old Business
- Paige Weston agreed to talk about VuFind changes
- Discussion to pursue a speaker for Strawn Utilities; how about Gary himself? If he says no, can he recommend someone else? We can work around HIS dates of availability.
- Dates of Webinars: Decision of November 27, 1:30 p.m.
- Discussion of webinars: “RDA and Authority Style in the I-Share Environment” by John…discussion of manual strategies and question and answer period, should we come up with some questions ourselves?
- Example of authority search in VuFind turns up the name Tim Taylor with different date formats…needs clean-up? “Better the authority file is, the better the switch over to RDA will be…”
- John would like some constructive criticisms about the portion of his presentation that he sent by e-mail.
- Spring Forum: Marjorie Bloss agreed to do this. She will structure and include questions from other webinars. Will be done twice, once upstate then downstate, but avoiding the same day of the week…so since National libraries are implementing RDA on April 1st there was discussion of dates, February or March. Need to wait on Marjorie’s dates before moving any further.
New business
- Discussion of Paige’s questions: We need to use the 338 to identify e-resources and microforms, but it would be redundant to display it. We don’t need to include the language codes from the 377 in the facets, but it would be helpful to include 041 $ade, especially for music, if possible. Since the 383 is not intended for display, we won’t display it for now, but we can revisit the question later. We do need to display the 264.
- Report on Chicago RDA group: Joan Schuitema and Chris Cronin are working on a meeting about, “Implementation Planning for RDA: a checklist prior to training”. Plans are tentative, but it will probably be held at DePaul, for about 40 attendees, particularly heads of tech services or cataloging This might be the beginning of a new group that meets occasionally to discuss cataloging issues.
IUG Report
- Nothing to report at this time
- Meeting this Thursday, Nov. 8th
Actions before next meeting
- Let November webinar date be known
- John-Polish webinar presentation
- Cathy-book dates of 1st RDA webinar, talk to Gary about 2nd webinar, talk to Marjorie about the spring plans, and send announcements.
- Deborah-type minute
Designation of minute taker for next meeting: Kavita Mundle
Next meeting Monday, December 3, 2012, 1:30-3:00
Meeting adjourned at 2:43 p.m.
Recorded by
Deborah Morris