Members Present: Paige Weston, Jamie Bourne, Kelly Fisher (minutes taker), Paul Go, Kirk Hess, James Lefager, Rong Li, Karl Pettit
Members Absent: Jacob Jeremiah, Jan Waterhouse, TJ Lusher
IUG Report:
The IUG report was sent in an email on Nov. 11. IUG has asked the IOPAC team to send any comments on the new I-SHARE System Committee charge either through our liaison TJ or to IUG chair Ted Schwitzner by Friday, Nov. 16. Paige shared the most recent version of the charge with the committee via email and the matter was discussed. It was decided that the feedback the group would give is that the charge of the new committee is very broad, which raises concern that issues now considered by the OPAC Team might get lost, and that the group would like clarification regarding the process of transitioning from a continuing appointment on a soon to be defunct committee to a new committee.
CARLI Report:
WebVoyage and VuFind Differences page:
The WebVoyage and VuFind differences page found at was discussed. It needs to be updated, as there is nothing about Hathi Trust mentioned. Paige also wondered if we’d like to revise the entire document, including an alternate format style, and thinks we may want to promote it to the libraries once we have done so. It was decided that Paige will create a Google Docs version to share with the group so we may collaboratively work on its revision. Karl suggested using a columns and check box format to make the differences more visually evident.
Discovery Layer Ask Letter:
Paul had sent the most recent version of the letter to the group earlier this week. He asked if the list of people from each institution were the correct ones to contact. Paige thought the proper method would be to contact each library’s I-SHARE Liaison first. Paul will send the letter out by the end of the week.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 A.M.