Steve Balkin Photographs of Maxwell Street, Chicago (Chicago State University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This photo by Steve Balkin offers a view into the last days of musical performances at a cultural institution and now lost part of Chicago. As seen in the classic Chicago work The Blues Brothers...

January 20, 2017

From Black Empowerment Collection (Meadville Lombard Theological School) in CARLI Digital Collections.

It's not only that this partly-burned item was saved, preserved, and digitized that intrigues me, but the envelope is stamped "damaged in handling in the postal service." How often does mail catch fire?

January 6, 2017

CARLI is pleased to share that the collections of the Illinois Digital Heritage Hub, representing a collaboration between Illinois State Library, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI), Chicago Public Library, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are officially live in DPLA and ready to explore.

January 5, 2017
By: Michelle Haake

Call for Proposals: CARLI Forum on Collections Data Analysis and Maintenance

The CARLI Technical Services and Collection Management Committees are organizing a spring forum on using data related to collection assessment, database maintenance, and measuring impact. We are seeking presentation proposals for our forum to be held on April 28, 2017 from 9:30-3:30 at Governors State University, University Park, IL. We are looking for presentations that share practical solutions for using collections data.

Example presentation topics include:

December 20, 2016
By: Michelle Haake

From: Monmouth College

Vol 2002: Ravelings

This page from Monmouth College's Ravelings yearbook offers top-to-bottom tips on how to dress like a college student circa 2002.


December 16, 2016

Jen Hunt Johnson, Conservator and Preservation Specialist, Illinois State University

From that pesky drip to a burst pipe, to a power outage or contained fire, small disasters can carry all the stress of the big guys. Much like their large-scale counterparts, successful outcomes rely on solid preparation.

December 16, 2016
By: Nicole Swanson

From  Doc Horrell Photo COllection (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) in CARLI Digital Collections.

Calendars in photos can be helpful for dating the image, but they can also be an eerie time capsule when they are in an unused space.

December 2, 2016

2016 Annual Meeting Recording and Slides

Almost 150 guests attended the CARLI Annual Meeting on November 18. If you missed the meeting or would like to view it again, for a limited time, you can view it online.

The recording will be available until December 17, 2016. Viewers will see a short advertisement before the video begins to play.  

November 30, 2016
By: Michelle Haake

Greg MacAyeal, Curator of the Music Library, Northwestern University

November 28, 2016
By: Elizabeth Clarage

From  I & M Canal Photographs, 1859-1948 (Lewis University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

Canal laborers break stones to make way for the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, which connects the Chicago River and the Des Plaines River. When it opened in 1900, the canal provided a waterway from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River.

November 18, 2016
