Met via Zoom
Members attending: Dee Anna Phares, Northern Illinois University (co-chair); Christina Norton, Bradley University (co-chair); Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College; Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois at Chicago; Joshua Avery, Wheaton College; and Molly Mansfield, Dominican University.
Members absent: Amy Hall, National-Louis University and Kristin Allen, Harper College.
Staff attending: Denise Green and Debbie Campbell
CARLI events:
- Abby Annala at Loyola U Chicago (Library UX Chicago)--Alma Primo programming; events starting in October; Instruction maybe participate?
- Webinar training session; consistent language across I-Share for requests; standardizing forms
- Committee selected this year’s theme: “Virtual Realities: The Challenges and Potential of Online Instruction”
- There was interest in emphasis on anti-racism, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, as well as practical side of online instruction
- Possibilities for roundtables and informal discussions on a variety of topics
- This year’s Instruction Showcase will be online; the date is tentatively set as Friday, May 21, 2021
- The Article Club will continue, perhaps with a greater focus on online instruction and accessibility and diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Committee will undertake review and revision of ACRL Bibliography on the ACRL Framework Toolkit, with most of the work to take place in the Spring
- Debbie will provide access to a Google doc version of the bibliography
- Subcommittee will move forward with survey on COVID’s Impact on CARLI libraries' Reference and Instruction Services
- Sub-committee: Christina Norton, Anne Armstrong, Amy Hall, Tish Hayes, Molly Mansfield, and Dee Anna Phares
- Primo VE: In Practice call went out; proposals due Monday, October 19, 2020
- Online Accessibility/Inclusion Discussion set for Friday, November 6th 1:00PM
- Primo VE in Practice—Life After Going Live scheduled for 1:00-2:00PM, Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Tasks assigned:
- Christina will write up the paragraph for this year’s theme
- Tish will write up the description of the Online Accessibility/Inclusion Discussion
- Dee Anna will write up the “save the date” and send to Debbie by October 5, 2020; Debbie will send out the announcement on October 7, 2020
- Debbie will contact Lisa Hinchcliffe about issues with IRB and multiple institutions participating; will see if she would be willing to speak to/advise the sub-committee
- Committee Self-Assessment/Re-envisioning draft will be revised after October chairs meeting
- Before the next meeting, committee members need to contribute questions for the Online Accessibility/Inclusion Discussion
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 21, 2020, Zoom
Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- Wednesday, November 18, 2020, Zoom
- Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Zoom
Adjourned 2:16PM