Met via Skype
Members attending:
Amy Hall (co-chair), National-Lewis University; Marielle McNeal (co-chair), North Park University; Kristin Allen, Harper College; Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois at Chicago; Joshua Avery, Wheaton College; Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College; Molly Mansfield, Northeastern Illinois University; Christina Norton, Heartland Community College; Dee Anna Phares, Northern Illinois University.
CARLI Staff: Lorna Engels, Debbie Campbell
Guests: None
- Dee Anna, Kristin and Christina will all continue to explore options for hosting the instruction showcase at their institutions
- Baseline accessibility considerations for instruction: Kristin would be willing to reach out about such an event or potentially work it into the instruction showcase
- Article club:
- Proposed schedule: early November for first article, twitter chat in December, Stefanie Bluemle/Augustana article and webinar in January/February, webinar in Spring on authority during primary season
- Stefanie Bluemle article, Post-Facts: Information Literacy and Authority after the 2016 Election, will be paired lateral reading article
- Consider Stanford authors as webinar participants
- Zoom access is available, the committee agreed that we should try this platform
- Twitter chats:
- We will continue to host twitter chats and will think of ways to market more to CARLI members
- We will push the Twitter chat towards winter/December, with a theme related to evaluating resources (“alternatives to CRAAP”); this could help set the stage for further focus on evaluation
- We will need to develop targeted themes; chats could be an extension of article discussions and/or webinars
- We agreed that our programming is sufficient: article club, instruction showcase in spring, webinar about new approaches to evaluating information, twitter chat(s), collaboration with Public Services Committee
- CARLI is still getting configuration forms for all libraries in order to get test instances of ALMA set up in October
- Mid-level leadership symposium on September 25th still accepting applications. Deadline for application is September 16th
- Tim Lockhart has accepted a full-time instructional designer position and has resigned from this committee
Tasks assigned:
- Tish will prepare copy for first article club; committee members will contribute questions prior to October meeting
- Tish will facilitate and plan questions for the first article, Molly will help facilitate
- Debbie and Lorna will follow up with Denise about ALMA collaboration with Public Services Committee, their first in-person meeting is September 20
- Dee Anna will flesh out a draft of the theme for the year, Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone, and the committee will discuss this further at the October meeting
- Marielle and Amy will email Stephanie Bluemle about being featured in and attending the article club as well as doing a webinar (potentially a panel) in the winter
- Instruction showcase: everyone who voiced interest in hosting will continue to investigate options
- Debbie will arrange article club registration as soon as we have a write-up (1:00 on November 6)
- Dee Anna, Kristin and Christina will all continue to explore options for hosting the instruction showcase at their institutions
Adjourned: 2:30 p.m.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 9, 2019
- Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- October 9, 2019
- November 13, 2019
- December 11, 2019
- January 8, 2020
- February 12, 2020
- March 11, 2020
- April 8, 2020
- May 13, 2020
- June 10, 2020
Minutes AA 9/20/2019