Met via Zoom
Members Attending: Dee Anna Phares (co-chair), Northern Illinois University; Christina Norton (co-chair), Bradley University; Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College; Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois Chicago; Joshua Avery, Wheaton College; Molly Mansfield, Dominican University; Kristin Allen, Harper College; and Amy Hall, National Louis University.
Staff Attending: Debbie Campbell and Denise Green
Guests: None
Upcoming Events and Projects
Committee Self-Assessment/Re-envisioning (Christina Norton)
- CARLI committee chairs meeting will take place on 10/27/20; will know more about any changes we might want to make to report
- Christina’s draft for our report:
- First draft is due Dec. 1
COVID’s Impact on CARLI libraries' Reference and Instruction Services (Christina Norton)
- Survey of CARLI libraries for publication in Internet Reference Services Quarterly (IRSQ)
- Waiting to hear back from Lisa Hinchcliffe
- Arrange a meeting for those working on the project (develop survey questions)? Weds. noon Nov. 4th
CARLI Instruction Committee: Online Accessibility/Inclusion Discussion (Dee Anna Phares and Christina Norton)
- Announcement went out on 10/9/20, reminder Monday of event week
- 50 registered currently
- Moderators- monitor chat questions, etc. Molly (moderator, will ask questions), Amy watch chat, Dee Anna backup assist.
- Core questions to be sent to registrants one day in advance and on day of event.
- Will record
CARLI Annual Meeting (Dee Anna Phares)
- 11/13/20 - 10:15am to 3:00pm via Zoom
- Registration link:
Primo VE: In Practice (Dee Anna Phares)
Other Business- none
Adjourned around 2 p.m.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 18, 2020, Zoom
Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- Wednesday, December 16, 2020, Zoom
- Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, Zoom