Met via Skype
Members attending: Amy Hall (co-chair), National-Lewis University; Marielle McNeal (co-chair), North Park University; Kristin Allen, Harper College; Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois at Chicago; Joshua Avery, Wheaton College; Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College; Molly Mansfield, Northeastern Illinois University; Christina Norton, Heartland Community College; Dee Anna Phares, Northern Illinois University.
CARLI Staff: Lorna Engels, Debbie Campbell
Guests: None
- Harper College will be the location for the 2020 Instructional Showcase.
- Regarding the Public Services Collaboration: A file will be added to Google Drive for updates. Action items or other significant updates will be presented in future meetings.
- The December Twitter Chat will take place on December 13 at 12 noon. The official hashtag will be #necessaryeval
- The spring article club and webinar (panel) will be held in February/April respectively. The Twitter Chat will be held in March.
- Dates:
- 1st of April for Webinar (1pm)
- 26th of February for Article Club (1pm)
- 6th of March for the Twitter Chat (12 noon)
- CARLI Annual Meeting (Friday, 15th)
- First CARLI Career Fair (Thursday, 14th)
- CARLI Counts is still accepting applications
- Fall Article Club
- Feedback seemed to be largely positive.
- Questions should, in future, probably go out in advance. This was a suggestion from the feedback.
- Two moderators proved necessary and some participants may have had trouble keeping up with both the conversation and the chat.
- Several folks mentioned in the feedback that they liked the option of having both chat and conversation as an option, despite possible difficulties with keeping up with both.
- Spring Article Club, Webinar, & Twitter Chat
- Marielle had a meeting with Stephanie Bluemle about her article for the article club and Stephanie is interested in participating in the call/conversation about the article.
- Marielle also mentioned the possibility of a webinar (possibly as a follow-up to the article club) and Stephanie was interested and open to this possibility. Stephanie was also interested in possibly doing the webinar as a panel and was keen not to be seen as “the expert” on this topic.
- A call will be made for presenters for a post-article-club webinar as a panel.
Tasks assigned:
- Marielle will check with Stephanie Bluemle on both of the dates (article club and webinar) and topic for the webinar.
- Amy and Marielle will collaborate on the call verbiage for the email to request participants in the webinar (panel).
- Amy and Marielle will reach out to Kristin (Harper College) and report back next meeting.
- Lorna and Debbie will reach out to Harper College about boxed lunches, etc.
- Josh will send a Google Form with the potential hashtags for the December Twitter Chat to the committee members for voting.
- Marielle will send out a graphic for the December Twitter Chat and reach out to Mackenzie Salisbury about possibly getting an ACRL retweet.
2:20 p.m.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 on Zoom
- Schedule of Instruction Committee Meetings:
- January 8, 2020
- February 12, 2020
- March 11, 2020
- April 8, 2020
- May 13, 2020
- June 10, 2020