Present: Amy Hall (co-chair), National-Lewis University; Dee Anna Phares (co-chair), Northern Illinois University; Kristin Allen, Harper College; Annie Armstrong, University of Illinois at Chicago; Joshua Avery, Wheaton College; Tish Hayes, Moraine Valley Community College; Molly Mansfield, Northeastern Illinois University; and Christina Norton, Bradley University.
CARLI Staff: Lorna Engels and Debbie Campbell
Guests: None
Announcements, Updates, Recaps
- CARLI updates (Lorna)
- May 22--Stop all local Alma and Primo VE demonstrations and training, and all Automated Fulfillment Network Testing activities in your local instances. Sandboxes are still available for demonstrations and training.
- Instruction Showcase, 5/29/2020
- We now have 6 proposals (see below); we need to determine if we are going to continue with our online instruction showcase on the 29th or host a series of webinars
- Determined that the showcase will be on 5/29 from 9am-12:30pm.
- Each presentation will be 15 minutes long with 5 minutes for questions.
- The showcase will end with an open lunch hour.
- Materials will be shared before.
- Dee Anna will create a registration document for committee members to sign up to moderate the sessions.
Meeting adjourned at 2:01pm
Minute taker: Molly Mansfield