As you may already be aware, the Trump administration took unprecedented steps to dismantle accessibility initiatives across the federal government and beyond. President Trump signed executive orders eliminating federal accessibility programs, putting accessibility staff on administrative leave, and targeting accessibility policies at colleges and universities. After years of progress, the accessibility community is now under direct threat.
The Echo Labs team will be bringing together the most trusted minds in civil rights law, university policy, and accessibility research to offer a comprehensive, free-to-the-community webinar on the full implications of these orders on higher education. Over the hour, we’ll cover:
We believe that now, more than ever, it's important to stand united in our commitment to inclusive education for students and faculty of all backgrounds. This session won’t be recorded, and we’ll be hosting a live Q&A at the end. We hope you can join us. -- Edward Aguilar, CEO, Echo Labs
Register to attend.
Hosted by Echo Labs