CARLI is pleased to announce Voyager Web Reports Beta, a new web-based reporting tool designed by CARLI staff to provide an easy way for I-Share library staff to run reports against their Voyager databases without the need to install the Oracle/ODBC client and use MS Access. Results can be viewed, sorted, and searched in HTML format directly in your web browser, or they can be downloaded in CSV format for local manipulation. The reports come from the I-Share Shared SQL for Voyager Reports, or from the stock set of queries provided by Ex Libris in Voyager's default Reports.mdb file.
Voyager Web Reports will allow you to enter custom parameters on some reports, but you cannot alter the queries in any other way or design your own queries. Traditional reporting via Oracle/ODBC and MS Access on your PC will continue to be available for more complex reporting tasks, query customization, and designing new queries.
The Voyager Web Reports Beta site can be found at:
Log in using your existing Oracle account username and password, the same one that you currently use to run reports and queries against your Voyager database in MS Access. I-Share Liaisons can request new Oracle accounts for staff members who do not already have one by filing a WRO for a “Voyager Oracle Account Request”.
There are currently over 30 reports available on the site--including a number of the Suggested Priorities for Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Record Maintenance--and we plan to add more over time. Not all MS Access queries can be converted to this web-based format, so traditional reporting with MS Access will still be necessary for more complicated queries.
A Documentation page is available from the menu in the upper right-hand corner of the site to provide more details on how to use Voyager Web Reports Beta.
If you’d like to see the list of software development issues, improvements, and new reports that we are tracking for possible future implementation in Voyager Web Reports Beta, see This is an open-source software project, and the source code will be posted to the GitHub code repository in the near future.
If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for new reports to add to the site, please send an email to or use the “Feedback” link in the upper right-hand corner of the site.