Present: Mary Burkee, Xiaotian Chen, Denise Green, Lauren Johnson-Beck (Minutes taker), Max King, Joanna Kolendo, Jeff Matlak, Andrew Meyer, Cynthia Scott, Peter Tubbs, Paige Weston.
Meeting chaired by Max King, in Steve Oberg's absence.
Paige will post the last minutes to the CARLI website. Any comments about the last minutes should be emailed to Paige by the end of the day. Cynthia commented that she would like to review the deliverable assignments again.
Paige has posted information to the sfx-discuss-l list about modifications she has made to SFX for those with accessibility issues. She was frustrated that Ex Libris wasn’t giving proper attention to this important upgrade, so she went ahead and made the changes to help others.
Paige shared information about the upcoming ELUNA conference in Oklahoma City in May. ELUNA has a call out for presenters and Paige is submitting a proposal for a session on SFX troubleshooting. This will be a good session for brand-new SFX administrators.
Paige informed the committee that Ex Libris is opening all of their lessons for free in their Learning Center. . Previously, there has been sales videos for free and their main learning lessons were not free. These lessons are primarily for management of the SFX system that CARLI undertakes for their libraries, but with the release of these learning videos for free, Paige mentions that all SFX committee members take a look at them and see if there are any videos of interest. As of the date of this meeting, the complete video tutorials are not yet available.
Denise reported that she is checking for updates for the free and open access materials for inclusion in SFX. Denise checks on the status of this information every three months. There is nothing now that she recommends be included among "tier 1" targets, activated in the CARLI shared instance. A general discuss was then held about long-standing mysteries of open access materials (some targets are not fully free; some journals have limited full text titles). This is a problem that all SFX libraries are grappling with. Cynthia states that she has found a couple of journals with limited authors allowing for free access, Peter noted that he has put up notes in the Target for PubMed Central warning patrons about hit or miss access to some links. Denise posited that she would like to see linkage at the article level in the future, but this isn’t possible now.
Paige reported that there were 16 SFX librarians on yesterday’s conference call, but many were committee members. The conference call was low key but worthwhile. Cynthia commented that the free form of the conference call is very educational and it would be wonderful to have more SFX folks attend. The demonstration was well received. There was a discussion about sending out another survey again. The committee decided instead to put out a call for topics, in February. The next quarterly conference call will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd at 2:00pm.
The committee reviewed webinars that we would like to complete this year. Paige asked that if there are any obstacles to creating and completing additional webinars, we ask Paige for help. Some obstacles are: staff members leaving, learning curves to understanding concepts deeply enough to create accurate and detailed webinars. Denise has sent out a link from the Ex Libris website for the UStat (Usage Statistics Service): Joanna is working on “How can I customize the look and feel of SFX?” and will be approaching Paige to lend some help to finish the product.
There was a discussion about when our deliverable will be due and if we can create a time-line for submitting pieces of the deliverable. Denise and Paige will look up when the work will be due, but it will be sometime in the late spring, probably around May 20th. Cynthia would like a time table established so we can work backwards to achieve success. The final product may be a text document for the CARLI website. Denise and Paige will talk to Steve, find out dates, and put a time line together.
There was a review of the parts of the 2016 deliverable and those who will work to create the final product:
PubMed/NCBI: Peter
Worldcat( Joanna
WorldCat (and/or other OCLC products): Steve
EBSCO Discovery Service: Andrew
Google Scholar: Jeff, Xiaotian
Serials Solutions: Lauren
RefWorks: Peter
ILLiad (& other ILL tools): Andrew
CrossRef: Peter, Cynthia
EZProxy: Cynthia, Max
BrowZine: Steve