Instruction Meeting – February 22, 2024

Members attending: Alex Deeke, Heather Koopmans, Abigail Mann, Claire Reinert,, Zohra Saulat, Stacey Shah, Rebecca Starkey

Members absent: Guillermo Gasca, Abigail Mann, Firouzeh Rismiller

Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell

Guests: None



  • The Instruction Committee approved/accepted the following
    • CARLI Instruction Showcase - Planning Document
      • Submission extension to March 18th, 5pm
        • 2 submissions so far
      • Keynote speaker options: María Emerson top choice
    • Local Get Togethers
      • Thursday, April 25 @ Elgin Community College - Planning Document
        • Title Decided: CARLI Community Building: Sharing Strategies for Instruction
        • Scripted: Event Description & “Save The Date”
        • Extra facilitators, Rebecca & Zohra?
  • The meeting adjourned at 2:24pm

Tasks assigned

  • Showcase: Alex will reach out to María in regards to Showcase Keynote
  • Showcase: Debbie and Denise will send out Showcase proposal reminder and extension
  • Get Together: Debbie and Denise will work with Michelle to coordinate lunch and send “Save the Date…”
  • Get Together: Stacey, Rebecca, and Zohra will coordinate discussion questions

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

  • Next Meeting: March 28, 1 pm- 3pm on Zoom
  • Schedule of CARLI Instruction Committee Meetings:
    • Thursday, March 28, 1-3 pm on Zoom
    • Thursday, April 25, 11-2 Local Get Together @ Elgin CC!
    • Thursday, May 23, 1-3 pm on Zoom
    • Thursday, June 27, 1-3 pm on Zoom