Members present: Allan Berry (UIC), Alice Creason (LEW), Marlee Graser (SIE), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Rachelle Stivers (HRT), Tami Luedtke (DPU), Matt Short (NIU), Aimee Walker (JOL)
Members absent: Colin Koteles (COD)
CARLI Staff Present: Jessica Gibson, Amy Maroso
- Introductions done by committee members
- Review charge - Current charge can be found on CARLI website. New, updated charge needs to be approved by the CARLI Board, but a review of the draft was done. Committee members can provide feedback to Jessica or Amy if they have any additional comments.
- Discussion: usability and functionality/accessibility should perhaps be part of the charge. Jessica: ExLibris does have a continuous review of Primo VE for accessibility contracted to an outside company. Our consortium may not be able to do any changes for accessibility since it is vendor-supplied, but can certainly voice opinions to ExL.
- Matt: sounds like we create documentation and do programs/education. Do we have any charge to do direct vendor relations? Jessica: CARLI Staff generally do work with the vendor via several regular meetings, etc., though not to say that a committee could not be part of communication.
- Would it be helpful to do surveys to identify gaps and problems they are having with Primo VE? The past group didn’t do any formal surveys, but did try out communicating with other CARLI committees at the beginning of the task force last year. Didn’t really work out very well so it was discontinued. Informally, members of the committee and other groups bring ideas to the committee. CARLI staff also provide information about what questions CARLI receives (e.g., are we seeing a lot on X topic?)
- Survey certainly could be back on the table next year.
- How might we advocate for changes to Primo VE? Perhaps committee-sponsored campaigns for Ex Libris Idea Exchange ideas.
- Try to incorporate advocacy into the charge.
- Methods of communication for committee
- email list:
- Google Drive for collaborative work
- Select committee chairperson or co-chairpersons
- Previous co-chairs were Aimee and Alice
- Setting agendas, sending out meeting reminders and leading meetings. CARLI staff help as they can. Lots of subcommittees in the work, which kind of “spreads out the work”
- FY2023: Co-chairs will be Allan and Lindsey
- Task Force recurring meetings
- Meetings are currently scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month from 11:00am - noon via Zoom
- Roster for note-taking-–will go alphabetically by first name. Aimee will start in August. A full list will be part of the next meeting agenda.
- In-progress subcommittees from FY2022 and areas of investigation for the new committee:
- Local Fields
- Dedup/FRBR
- Collections
- Showcase
- Discussion: A lot of TF work felt a bit more piecemeal since it was only a one-year thing. Is it possible to think longer-term now that it’s a committee rather than trying to put out fires? More programmatically than one-off tasks to complete? Yes!
- Can we bucket things? Put them into more sustainable programmatic “larger” groupings of topics–broader ideas that can be worked on longer-term. Identify categories of investigation/need and match some of the ideas to the committee charge. Things like “display” or “interface” rather than discrete topics.
- August meeting: we can look at the list of areas of investigations and figure out what the larger buckets/groups would be useful to start going forward and be more sustainable in the long run.
- Other topics/questions
- CARLI All Committees Meeting - July 20, 2022 at 1-2pm committee members are welcome to attend if they are able. Not required.