Members Present: Kelly Fisher, TJ Lusher, Jake Jeremiah, Kirk Hess, Jim LeFager, Paige Weston, Rong Li
Members Absent: Jan Waterhouse
IUG Report:
- IUG has not met since November and is scheduled to meet this week, on Friday, January 18th. There are no updates other than the board has approved the new organization and committee structure.
- Also noted that the Instruction group has an unconference coming up on January 25th.
CARLI Report:
- Attention in Carli Office has been in getting the 4 new libraries up and running in I-Share
- Other libraries should start to see the requests by the end of January
- Their data will appear in the universal catalog at the end of January, beginning of February
- Formal Request to do some new indexing of Vufind in Support of RDA
- Reindexing VuFind is unlikely to happen before Summer -- from Carli Offices
- Continuing to do cleanup
New Requests:
- From Lake Forest - Looking to add browser script but make it more general for all libraries
- From Aurora University - Facebook -- Title is short enough that Facebook grabs the next field, the link will link to the results page and provides a citation and cover image, but does not give the extra information from the page.
- CiteThis Feature and Facebook-
- Issue: If the title is short and FB grabs another data element, the element it grabs is the <p> that says, "These citations may not conform precisely to your selected citation style. Please use this display as a guideline and modify as needed."
- Question: Disable or Keep based on history of problems. After short discussion it was decided to keep this feature in place for now.
- HathiTrust - Project finished to resequence the links, so that that HathiTrust links is the first to display, followed by Google Books links
Discovery Forum:
- Heard from UIUC, and NIU.
- UIC who request more information
- Paul will resend out the same ASK Letter from organizations that did not respond.
- A registration form will need to be created.
- Once we hear back from other institutions we can decide on dates.
VuFind and WebVoyage Help Document:
Examined the rewrite of the description of the two different interfaces and the new version was approved and will be moved into the site.