Members in Attendance: Susan Avery , Molly Beestrum, Kirstin Duffin, Lorna Engels (CARLI staff), Julie Murphy, Chris Sweet, Aimee Walker (IUG Liaison), Elizabeth Nicholson, Frances Whaley, Merna Youngblood
Minutes: Minutes from November 16 meeting were approved. Lorna will make some minor corrections.
CARLI Report: Lorna reported on the following CARLI activities:
- The 4 new libraries have been added to universal borrowing, bringing total up to 80 libraries participating.
- CARLI will be soliciting applications for I-Share participation again this year.
- Alexander Street Press streaming videos now fully subsidized for 6 databases for all participating libraries.
IUG Report: Aimee Walker reported on the following activities:
- OPAC team Webvoyage and VuFind comparison sheet
- OPAC team Discovery tool presentations
- OPAC team Hathitrust will float above the Google Book titles
- Resource Sharing, web conferences
- IUG planning liaison forum March 26 at Elmhurst, responsibility for liaisons under new structure and interest survey.
Old Business
- Unconference
- Finalize schedule for the day
- 9:00-9:30am Coffee/Pastries
- 9:30-10:00am Opening remarks/Orientation
- 10am-12pm Initial Track Meetings
- 12-12:45 pm Lunch
- 12:45-2:30pm 2nd (different) Track Meetings
- 2:30-3:30pm Wrap-up Debriefing
- Session Facilitators (we have 5 rooms max), some topics may need to be sub-divided based on interest. Team members volunteered to facilitate sessions as follows. Additional topics may be added, or topic may be combined based on participant interest.
- Re-thinking the research paper (Chris)
- Working with teaching faculty to move past teaching tools to teaching research concepts (Molly, Julie)
- Is the one-shot instruction session worth saving? (Myrna, Susan)
- Strategies for sequencing library instruction within a major (Elizabeth)
- Survey suggestion tied to all the above: How can we partner with faculty to transform library-centric instruction into a seamless development of information literacy within the classroom? (Frances)
- Survey suggestion: Quick and easy assessment of IL instruction - involving both students and faculty. (Kirstin)
- Miscellany: The team member(s) facilitating or moderating will use the lunch time for some informal reporting back on morning sessions.
- Participants will be asked to share one take-away from the unconference in the evaluation, and if time allows, this can be shared at the end of the wrap-up as well.
- At the time of the conference call, 59 people were registered to attend, with several non-librarian faculty planning to attend as well.
- Parking information will be sent out along with registration reminders.
- Facilitator notes will be added to the wiki after the unconference, as well as the “one take-away” comments.
- Preparation for facilitators may include preparing some seed questions or examples to start the discussion.
- Instruction Team charge changes were approved by the board.
- The instruction team has not received a response from the Public Services Working Group regarding further planning for a joint forum. Julie will forward the most recent communication to the team, and another attempt at contact will be made.
New Business
- Due to CARLI team restructuring a new team member to replace Nicole won’t be added until the July selection cycle.
- For the January blog Julie will recap the unconference and link to the wiki resources.
- Meeting adjourned at 2:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Molly Beestrum
Columbia College Chicago