I-Share Instruction Team Meeting: November 16, 2012

Members in Attendance:  Susan Avery, Molly Beestrum, Kirstin Duffin, Lorna Engels (CARLI staff), Julie Murphy, Elizabeth Nicholson, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Chris Sweet, Aimee Walker (IUG Liaison), Frances Whaley, Merna Youngblood


Minutes:  The minutes for the Sept. 21 meeting were approved.  Lorna will make some minor corrections. 

CARLI Report:  Lorna reported on the following CARLI activities: 

  • CARLI is in the process of adding four (4) new libraries; circulation training is likely to take place in December or January.  
  • Training of new CARLI staff, Debbie Campbell and Nicole Swanson is taking place.
  • The Annual Meeting was held last week.  Paula Kaufman provided the keynote address and the new CARLI website was demonstrated.
  • The recording of the keynote from the spring Instruction Forum is now at the CARLI office, but it is not yet available online.

IUG Report: The IUG has held two meetings since the last instruction team meeting.  The following activities have taken place:

  • The charge has been updated.
  • Liaison forums are begin scheduled for the week of March 18.
  • Information on upcoming webinars and forums of other teams were shared.
  • Upcoming issues include: shelf lister; IUG and the OPAC team joining to become the I-Share System Committee

Old Business

  • The Instruction Team charge that Chris drafted was approved.  There were minor changes in syntax that Lorna will make.
  • Unconference
    • Chris will check with Illinois Wesleyan for potential snow dates for the week of Jan. 28 and get back with the committee on possibilities.
    • It was decided that it would be difficult to ask faculty from other areas of the state to commit a day to attend the Unconference.  Chris and Julie will work to invite faculty at Illinois Wesleyan, Illinois State, and Heartland College to attend for all or part of the day.
    • The Team discussed whether or not to have everyone stay on the same topic for the entire day.  After reviewing comments from last year it was determined that attendees would attend a morning session and an afternoon session.  Each session will be 90 minutes followed by time to report out.
    • Lorna will send the invitation to register the week of Nov. 26 and it will ask attendees to express interest from the topics listed or suggest their own.
    • The language proposed by Chris for the description/invitation was approved.
    • Suggested topic iii How do we get past teaching tools to teach more concepts and how can teaching faculty help? will be revised slightly to provide greater understanding of its focus.

New Business

  • Collaboration with Public Services Working Group was discussed. There were questions on the relevance of the suggested topics to instruction.  It was decided that the suggestions for developing a wiki, etc., be left to the PSWG. The Instruction Team is interested in a potential forum, as long as there instruction elements are a part of this forum.  Julie, Frances, and Chris will craft a response to their invitation to collaborate.  
  • Nicole announced that she has accepted a new position at UIUC that is not focused on instruction and will be stepping down. Lorna will speak with CARLI staff about whether or not this position will be reappointed.
  • Meeting adjourned at 2:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Avery
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign