Board Liaison: Dallas Long, Illinois State University
CARLI Staff Liaison: Jessica Gibson
CARLI Staff Liaison: Amy Maroso
Body to which the group reports: Governance Board
The Discovery Primo VE Task Force will collaborate with other CARLI committees and with the CARLI membership to identify and address the most urgent needs for optimizing the discoverability of materials in Primo VE.
Close ties should be established between the Discovery/Primo VE Task Force and other committees whose work interacts with Primo VE. Membership on the task force will use a hybrid model. One member from committee whose work interacts with Primo VE should serve as a member/liaison including Collection Management, Public Services, Resource Sharing, and Technical Services. The committees may also consider those with terms expiring in June 2021 or other past committee members. Additional members for the task force would be solicited and appointed through the upcoming call for committee volunteers (not to exceed nine total members.) This hybrid model would include the expertise from existing CARLI committees, and to include members whose services is limited to this task force.
The initial term of the task force will be one year, with an initial report to the Board for consideration at their March 2022 meeting.