CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Anne Craig (CARLI), Jim Cubit (Lake Forest College), Richard Darga (Chicago State University)(by phone), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College), Dennis Krieb (Lewis & Clark Community College), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Felice Maciejewski (Dominican University), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University)(by phone), David Stern (Saint Xavier University), Dane Ward (Illinois State University)(by phone), Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College), John Wilkin (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Guest: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois)
Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage, Cindy Clennon, Brandon Gant, Kristine Hammerstrand, Connie Walsh
- Minutes of the September 16, 2016, meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- The Board approved the recommendations of the Budget Contingency Task Force to:
- Increase I-Share assessments to reflect a 7% increase for FY2018 and a 5% increase for FY2019
- Increase CARLI membership fees for FY19 by 7%
- Expand charge of the Budget Contingency Task Force to include reevaluation of the membership fee methodology and calculation
- The CARLI Board will hold a retreat in spring/summer 2017 to continue the CARLI 2020 strategic planning process. Board members Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College) and Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College) will review the CARLI mission statement and values in preparation for discussion at the March 10 Board meeting.
- The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
- The I-Share Next Task Force has received feedback from the state procurement officer on the draft of the Request for Proposal. The task force will meet in early 2017 to review the resulting changes to the RFP.
- CARLI is working with libraries who have expressed interest in joining I-Share in 2017-2018.
- CARLI staff will be contacting all I-Share Liaisons in early 2017 to establish primary and secondary I-Share Liaisons for all institutions.
- The Program Planning Committee will meet in December to discuss continuing education efforts for directors, and to begin preliminary planning for the 2017 CARLI Annual Meeting.
- The New Directors’ Institute Planning Task Force is proceeding with plans for an institute to be held in 2017. The task force will meet in early 2017 to set the topics and agenda, and will follow up with interested directors to set the event date.
- CARLI staff held an open conference call for current and former committee members who were interested in sharing their experiences in participating on CARLI Committees. CARLI staff will continue to gather feedback from current and past committee members as we proceed in the strategic planning process.
- The Calendar Year 2017 E-Resources Selection Cycle ended with a slight decrease in total number of subscriptions from Calendar Year 2016. Total spending increased by 12%, which is primarily attributed to price increases.
- CARLI IT staff will soon be taking over the code and all future development for the Database Selection System from the software development company.
- CARLI’s agreement with OCLC for the CONTENTdm will expire on June 20, 2018. CARLI staff are investigating options for continuing with CONTENTdm, and are doing a preliminary environmental scan to identify other possible solutions for digital collections.
- CARLI has partnered with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on a proposal to host an ACRL Scholarly Communications Road Show to be held in 2017.
- CARLI staff met with University of Illinois legal counsel to review the status of the revised Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Illinois.
- CARLI is reaching out to other Illinois library groups to facilitate communications related to shared interests. Information and updates will be provided as appropriate in the Directors’ Update and the CARLI News.
- The annual value letters have mailed. Institutional ROI showed a small decrease in FY2016 as funding for one-time purchases and ebook purchase on demand pilot projects concluded.
- CARLI is encouraging member libraries to submit proposals for the 2017 ILA conference on topics of interest to academic librarians.
- The date for the June 2017 CARLI Board meeting has been changed to Friday, June 16. The Executive Committee will meet via conference call on Wednesday, June 7.
Tasks Assigned
- The Board directed CARLI to proceed with an announcement to CARLI library directors regarding the increases in membership fees and assessments in response to the ongoing budget situation.
- CARLI will work with University Administration on a budget plan for FY2018 to address recent budget deficits resulting from the lack of state funding for FY2016 and the expected deficit in FY2017.
- CARLI staff will define the critical roles for library directors at CARLI member libraries for discussion at the March Board meeting.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- 2017 Board meetings
- Friday, March 10, 2017, CARLI Office, Champaign
- Friday, June 16, 2017, CARLI Office, Champaign
- 2017 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call):
- Wednesday, March 1, 2017
- Wednesday, June 7, 2017