CARLI Board Minutes March 11, 2022


Members attending: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Anne Craig (CARLI), Karen Janke (Erikson Institute), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois Springfield), Shannon Pohrte (Elgin Community College), Sharon Silverman (City Colleges of Chicago)

Absent: John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Marianne Ryan (Loyola University Chicago)

Guests: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois System)

Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage, Diane Day, Gordon Fellows, Jessica Gibson, Kristine Hammerstrand, Michele Leigh, Jennifer Masciadrelli, Nicole Swanson, Jenny Taylor


  • Minutes of the December 3, 2022, Board meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
  • The Board expressed their gratitude to the University of Illinois System Office for their ongoing support.
  • The Board approved the timeline for the 2022 Board of Directors election. Current Board members Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), and Shannon Pohrte (Elgin Community College) will serve on the Nominating Committee, with CARLI staff coordinating the process.
  • The Board deferred the recommendations from the Bylaws Review Task Force to the June 2022 meeting to allow time for further discussion.
  • The Board approved the proposal from the E-Resources Management Task Force to become a committee.
  • The Board approved the proposal from the Discovery Primo VE Task Force to become a committee.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.


  • Anne Craig made a presentation about Illinoi SCOERs at a congressional briefing “Open Textbooks: Saving Students Money and Meeting Basic Needs” presented by Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and Public Interest Research Group (PIRG).
  • CARLI staff members Kristine Hammerstrand and Gordon Fellows will retire in summer 2022. CARLI will hold a retirement celebration for them on May 20 in Urbana.
  • CARLI has completed a plan with Ex Libris for adding University of Illinois Chicago Law School to Alma Primo VE in summer 2023.
  • CARLI has been working with the Cataloging Maintenance Center at the Illinois Heartland Library System to reduce duplicate bibliographic records in Alma. These efforts improve the discovery experience of our libraries. We hope to continue this cleanup work in FY23.
  • ProQuest is beginning some promotional events for Leganto and Rapido and may be in touch with member libraries soon. There are currently 4 CARLI libraries live in Leganto.
  • CARLI staff are preparing for the FY23 E-Resources Selection Cycle. We anticipate opening the system for libraries to make subscription commitments from the end of March through the first week of May. Vendors will be offering 60 new products in this cycle. Most vendors are instituting price increases this year. CARLI staff are working with vendors to ensure that their pricing reflects the enrollment reductions as reported in fall IBHE 2020 FTE counts, as the IBHE released 2021 data later than our deadline.
  • CARLI is finalizing an agreement with the Modern Language Association to offer their new MLA Handbook.
  • CARLI is also working on renewing our agreement with Gale for five years.
  • CARLI can provide usage statistics for our fiscal year vendors. Interested libraries should contact CARLI Support.
  • The Commercial Products Committee will conduct a two-hour forum on accessibility on April 6.
  • CARLI has requested feedback from libraries regarding their anticipated budgets and is keeping vendors apprised of the significant challenges faced across the state.
  • CARLI member libraries are invited to share how their library has changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic via the Illinois Library Transformations survey. The survey will close March 22. Results will be shared with the membership. This information will be used to inform the update to CARLI’s Strategic Priorities planned for later this year.
  • CARLI has submitted its documents for the FY 2023 budget process for the University of Illinois System. CARLI will make their presentation to the Budget Review Committee later this spring.
  • CARLI is continuing to work with the University of Illinois on an institutional repository platform. We expect the platform to be available to members for pilot testing in July 2022. During the first year, the library will refine the software. Provided the service is fully operational and available to members, CARLI will support this during a demonstration period in FY24 and FY25. The demonstration period will be at no cost to CARLI members. Beginning in FY 26, participating CARLI members will assume the cost of the platform.
  • Illinois SCOERs applications are due April 1with awards made May 15. CARLI has held several sessions with those interested in applying.
  • CARLI is seeking OER stories from member libraries to share with the System Office.
  • CARLI Counts received a one-and-a-half-year extension to its IMLS grant because of the delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • CARLI member libraries have collectively committed $282, 000 to support a FY23 Ebook program. CARLI is working with Wiley and Oxford to determine what content will be available.
  • CARLI has initiated the renewal process for CONTENTdm.
  • CARLI has promoted Jennifer Masciadrelli to Assistant Director, User Services. She will lead the User Services team following the retirement of Kristine Hammerstrand in May 2022.
  • CARLI has promoted Jessica Gibson to Assistant Director, System Services. She will lead the System Services team following the retirement of Gordon Fellow in June 2022.
  • Jenny Taylor has been promoted to Associate Director, Electronic Resources.
  • Margaret Chambers has been promoted to Director and Advisor, Membership and Communications.
  • CARLI is seeking two Library Services Coordinators, supporting the work of the E-Resources and User Services Teams.
  • CARLI held an information session for iSchool students interested in applying for the Building Diversity Graduate Assistantship Program. The application period ends March 15.

Tasks Assigned

  • CARLI staff will prepare and issue the Call for Nominations for the Board of Directors election.
  • CARLI staff will prepare and issue the call for volunteers for CARLI committees and task forces.
  • CARLI staff will set a date to begin discussions regarding updates to CARLI’s strategic priorities.
  • CARLI staff will work with the Bylaws Revision Task Force on amendments and will communicate with the Board via email ahead of the June 2022 meeting.

Dates and Deadlines

  • 2022 Board meetings
    • Friday, June 10, 2022 (in-person and via Zoom)
  • 2022 Executive Committee meetings
    • Wednesday, June 1, 2022 (via Zoom)