CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Fred Barnhart (Northern Illinois University) Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Anne Craig (CARLI), Rebecca Donald (Trinity International University), Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Karen Janke (Erickson Institute), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library)(by phone), Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois at Springfield), John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), John Small (North Central College), Frances Whaley (Kishwaukee College)
Guests: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois System)
Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage (by phone), Diane Day, Gordon Fellows, Kristine Hammerstrand, Jenny Taylor
- Minutes of the September 13, 2019 Board meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- CARLI is in final contract negotiations for a consortially-funded purchase of OpenAthens for all CARLI governing members. OpenAthens is an identity and access management service that is brokered by EBSCO. Pending final contract approval, we hope to begin work on deploying OpenAthens for I-Share libraries in early 2020.
- The Board approved the support of CARLI Counts in FY22, following the completion of the IMLS-funded cohorts in FY19 and FY20.
- The Board approved the proposed spending for the following:
- Two OER Train-the-Trainer Workshops; Faculty Workshops & Review Stipends; Stipends for CARLI Members That Have Established OER Programs
- Research awards to CARLI member library staff to spur research and innovation
- Professional Development Reimbursement Program providing reimbursement of CARLI member library staff to support professional development
- Mobile digitization lab equipment and contractual staff
- Consortially purchased and shareable e-books
- The Board accepted the recommendations from the Resource Sharing Committee as follows:
- Reinforce the long-standing CARLI policy ( share/circ/UBStandardChart) that I-Share libraries do not assess overdue fines to other I-Share libraries’ patrons, and expunge these fines.
- Advise I-Share libraries to minimize the migration of patron records for individuals that are no longer actively affiliated with their institutions and recommend a workflow for eliminating these data.
- Require forgiveness for fines and fees older than 7 years for other I-Share libraries’ patrons, and recommend that I-Share libraries forgive fines and fees older than 7 years for the library’s own patrons.
- The CARLI Board approved the revisions to the Strategic Plan, now extended through 2022.
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
- Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, formerly the Foreign Languages Cataloging Coordinator at UIUC, joined the CARLI staff on September 30 as Senior Coordinator, Electronic Resources.
- CARLI is continuing to work closely with I-Share libraries and Ex Libris on the Alma Primo VE Full Test and Implementation Phase. The project is on schedule and we still anticipate meeting our scheduled “go live” date of June 24, 2020.
- Three, two-day, in-person Alma training sessions have been presented by Ex Libris staff at UI Springfield, Joliet Junior College, and Wheaton College. Fifty institutions have sent staff to these sessions, 14 more institutions are sending staff to a session at UIC in December. Six more two-day sessions are scheduled for January and February at NIU, Monmouth, Lewis and Clark, Parkland and two more sites in process.
- 144 people from 60 I-Share libraries have completed Alma certification training (i.e., the training Ex Libris requires an institution to complete before they can adjust their Alma configuration settings.)
- Library staff completed their Alma “Configuration Forms” by the September 18, 2019 deadline. These forms were used by Ex Libris to populate the policies and configurations in the Alma test environments. These settings, and any changes Alma-certified library staff may make to them in the test environment, will persist into the production environment.
- Ex Libris delivered the 91 test environments on October 23. Access was read-only access to test until November 6 to allow for testing time without complications from data or setting changes. The test environments include all data from each institution’s Voyager database plus any e-resource data the library chose to migrate. I-Share library staff are continuing to review their data and configuration settings and should note any changes to make before or during the production migration in spring.
- Ex Libris completed indexing the Primo VE discovery services and delivered access to them to CARLI staff the week of November 25. CARLI staff have conducted some testing and will be rolling out access to Primo VE during the week of December 2.
- CARLI staff delivered information to libraries on updating library staff login accounts so that individual staff at each institution may begin working with their own credentials and roles.
- CARLI staff are convening an informal advisory group of 12 I-Share library staff volunteers to help develop initial recommendations for cataloging in the Alma institution zone (IZ) and network zone (NZ) environments. This group will help CARLI staff to identify and transition to workflows in Alma that best meet existing CARLI policy and practice for cooperative cataloging. Members of the group will test Alma’s cataloging functionality related to local data retention, cataloging permission levels, record import practices including record match points, and NZ linking and unlinking. CARLI expects that these tests will help identify workflows for institutions to begin cataloging their resources in both their IZ and the NZ, and to identify conditions when records should be merged, replaced, or kept as is.
- CARLI staff are working with institutions that have volunteered to help pilot the process of synchronizing Alma/Primo VE user information with campus student information systems. This process is referred to as “SIS” (student information systems) by Ex Libris. SIS pilot projects should be completed by February, and should provide templates for other institutions that use those systems to follow, so that all institutions that wish to do so. can test the SIS process by February and March. Libraries that wish to start to set up a SIS integration do not need to wait for the pilots to complete if they wish to start sooner.Currently, we have identified institutions willing to pilot synchronization with the following systems:
- Banner - UIU, LEW, SIC
- Colleague Unidata - LAC
- Jenzabar CX- KNX, RCC, COL
- PeopleSoft - SIM, ICC
- Populi – MLS
We are still looking for sites that can serve as pilots for these products
- Colleague SQL
- Jenzabar EX
- Blackbaud
- GradPro
- CARLI continues to have scheduled open “office hours” calls to discuss Alma and Primo VE topics and take questions about the products and the migration process. These are usually held on Thursday afternoons at 2pm and recordings of the sessions are made available on the CARLI website. CARLI staff also have a weekly planning call with Ex Libris staff each Tuesday.
- CARLI is in the process of completing a contract with EBSCO for Open Athens, an access management system that facilitates single sign-on access to content and services like Alma and Primo VE. CARLI is purchasing Open Athens for all CARLI governing members for three years on consortial funds. More details will be shared broadly once the contract is complete.
- CARLI will investigate options for continuing Illinet borrowing for non-I-Share libraries in Alma. This service may not be available upon implementation.
- Alma and Primo VE training provided by Ex Libris is available to anyone and is free and online with no login required in the Ex Libris Knowledge Center.
- CARLI’s Alma/Primo VE webpage is the go-to resource for updates, events, and CARLI-specific recommendations.
- CARLI has received instructions and documents for the FY 2021 budget process for the University of Illinois System. Budget submission will be due March 6, 2020 with presentations in early April.
- The Calendar Year 2020 e-resources selection cycle has ended, with 91 CARLI libraries participating, an increase over the 85 libraries participating in CY 19. Total spending in this cycle was down as several institutions pulled out of “big deal” journal packages in order to negotiate directly for individual titles or collections. Further, the absence of an agreement with SpringerNature resulted in 164 fewer product selections than in CY19.
- CARLI wrapped up negotiations with ArtStor and Sage Premier eJournals. These will be effective January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023. We are currently negotiating with Sage Databases/CQ for products starting with the FY21 selection cycle. These products will have prorated pricing with the goal of having all Sage products on a calendar year cycle in the future.
- Nicole Swanson has been promoted to Senior Coordinator, Member Services. Nicole will continue her duties with the I-Share migration/implementation through the June 24, 2020, cutover date.
- Michelle Haake has been promoted to Senior Coordinator, Membership & Communications.
- CARLI is seeking applicants for Cohort 2 of CARLI Counts.
- The first iSchool/CARLI Career Fair, was held November 14 at the Holiday Inn Champaign. The Career Fair featured 133 job seekers and 46 employers from academic libraries, corporate employers, public libraries and related organizations, government organizations, professional organizations, and the University of Illinois. CARLI will work the iSchool to hold another career fair in fall 2020.
- The 2019 CARLI Annual Meeting was held on November 15 at the I-Hotel in Champaign with nearly 200 attendees. Gold level sponsors for the event were EBSCO and Ex Libris. Bronze level sponsors were F1000, DeGruyter, and Sage Publishing.
- CARLI will hold a reception during the ALA Conference in Chicago in June 2020 to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of resource sharing among Illinois academic libraries.
- CARLI has received a gift from Lydia Morrow Ruetten, former CARLI Board member and retired Library Dean at Governors State University to fund the CARLI Scholarship for its first year. The CARLI Scholarship provides financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member Libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- CARLI programs coming up in December-February:
- Smart Decisions: Using Standardized Rights Statements for Digital Collections, December 10
- Director Session at Millikin University, December 10
- CARLI Member Libraries and the 2020 Census: Promoting the Count, December 11
- CARLI Instruction Committee Twitter Chat, #NecessaryEval, December 13
- Copyright Webinar Series Q & A, December 17
- Alma Implementation Training: Automated Fulfillment Network Configuration, December 17
- Alma Implementation Training: Day-to-Day Patron Services within an Automated Fulfillment Network, December 18
- Alma Workshop at UIC, December 19-20
- Director Session at Northern Illinois University, February 5
- CARLI Counts, February 18-20
- Director Session at Erikson Institute, February 24
- Director Session at Erikson Institute, February 25
- Weekly Alma Primo VE Open Office Hours conference calls to continue
- The Program Planning Committee adopted a proposal from the OER Task Force to fund travel and workshop enrollment fees for up to 5 CARLI library staff who are admitted to the OTN Certificate in OER Librarianship program.
- The proposal submitted by the OER Task Force has been included in the ILA 2020 legislative agenda. The proposal would support a grant program to be administered by the Illinois State Library to encourage the use and creation of no-cost open educational resources in Illinois’ post-secondary institutions of education. The program would provide funding to ILLINET academic libraries to support building library programs and services that support faculty and staff in producing open educational resources.
- The Open Textbook Library now has 684 textbooks, with another 21 in development.
Tasks Assigned
- CARLI staff will work with CARLI Board members Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), and Frances Whaley (Kishwaukee College) to draft a statement regarding the critical role of the Library Director in CARLI member libraries.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- 2020 Board meetings dates (at the CARLI Office, Champaign)
- Friday, March 6, 2020
- Friday, June 12, 2020
- 2020 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call):
- Wednesday, February 26, 2020
- Wednesday, June 3, 2020