CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Fred Barnhart (Northern Illinois University), Richard Darga (Chicago State University), Rebecca Donald (Trinity International University), Jeff Douglas (Knox College), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Micheal Kott (Morton College), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University), John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), John Small (North Central College), Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College)
Absent: Anne Craig (CARLI), Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College), Michael Lorenzen (Western Illinois University)
Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage (by phone), Diane Day, Kristine Hammerstrand
- Minutes of the September 14, 2018 meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
- The Board discharged the I-Share Next Task Force. The Board is deeply grateful to the task force members for their extraordinary commitment of time and expertise.
- In order to meet the higher than expected demand for this timely program, the CARLI Board approved spending up to $40,000 to support the attendance at CARLI Counts of applicants not covered by IMLS Funding.
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
- The Calendar Year 2019 e-resources selection cycle has ended, with 85 CARLI libraries participating and a 7.7% decrease in total spending from CY 2018. The decrease is attributed to the protracted and ultimately unsuccessful negotiations with Springer for their bundled journal content.
- CARLI is working through the Request for Proposal process for subsidized e-resources database package. The current contract with EBSCO expires June 30, 2019.
- Connie Walsh, CARLI Chief Financial Officer, retired November 30. Diane Day has been promoted to Accounting Associate. Diane will oversee financial operations for CARLI.
- Tim David joined the CARI staff on November 12 as an Accountant I to fill the opening created with Diane’s promotion.
- CARLI is following up with the final eight participants in CARLI Digital Collections to complete the new Digital Collections Image License Terms and Conditions Agreement.
- CARLI is seeking sponsors for the Change Management Forum that will be held on April 2 at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The forum is being co-hosted by the Collection Management and Technical Services Committees.
- CARLI is continuing to investigate options to expand the E-resources brokering service beyond CARLI member libraries.
- CARLI is beginning the Request for Information process for a consortial ebook purchasing program.
- The CARLI 2020 Strategic Plan, the FY2018 CARLI Annual Report, and the FY2018 Value Graphics are available from the CARLI web site.
- CARLI is working with NC Live to offer a website template services for libraries that is built on LibGuides. A webinar about the services is tentatively planned for mid-January 2019.
- CARLI is reviewing feedback from members regarding potential sites and topics for regional meetings.
- The CARLI Funding Task Force will begin meeting in January 2019 to examine the methodologies for the I-Share Assessment and the Membership Fee calculations for FY2022 and beyond. Members of the task force are: Dennis McGuire (Columbia College Chicago), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), Pam Hackbart-Dean (Southern Illinois University Carbondale). The task force will also include members of the CARLI Finance Committee: (Richard Darga, Chicago State University; Jeff Douglas, Knox College; Lydia Morrow Ruetten, Governors State University; Frances Whaley, Illinois Valley Community College). CARLI staff Anne Craig, Margaret Chambers, Diane Day, and Kristine Hammerstrand will serve as liaisons.
- CARLI is working with University Legal Counsel and Purchasing to finalize the contract with Ex Libris for the Alma library system.
- CARLI had five sponsors for its 2018 Annual Meeting. Based on sponsor feedback, CARLI staff are working with the I-Hotel to better accommodate the sponsor tables for the November 2019 meeting.
- CARLI will hold a New Directors Institute May 15-16, 2019 at the CARLI Office in Champaign. The Program Planning Committee is currently working on the agenda for the institute.
- CARLI received 43 applications for Cohort One of the IMLS-grant-funded CARLI Counts program.
- The OER Task Force will hold an Open Conference Call on January 15 for libraries interested in promoting open educational resources on their campus, keeping up with what other librarians in Illinois are doing, and finding out what resources are available. The OER TF has a brochure available for customization "Open Textbooks: The affordable, flexible alternative." The document is available from the CARLI web site. In addition, a full day OER program is being planned for later in the spring.
- The Illinois State Library is working with Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and Heartland Library System on agreements for delivery service beginning July 1, 2019.
- RAILS has created a membership standards data collection form. Completion of the form by March 31, 2019 is mandatory for all RAILS member libraries.
- CARLI will be migrating to a vendor hosted version of CONTENTdm in FY19. CARLI staff are working with OCLC to develop a migration plan. Training, webinars and documentation will be made available to participating libraries as soon as it is available.
Task Assigned
- CARLI will work with Board members to implement a profile/contact page for the Board of Directors.
- CARLI Board members will review meeting minutes for the CARLI committee(s) of their choice for the planning discussion at the March 2019 Board meeting.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- 2019 Board meetings (at the CARLI Office, Champaign)
- Friday, March 8, 2019
- Friday, June 14, 2019
- 2019 Executive Committee meetings (via conference call):
- Wednesday, February 27, 2019
- Wednesday, June 5, 2019