Present: Tammie Busch (co-chair), Susan Howell (co-chair); Jodi Craiglow, Brent Eckert, George Gottschalk, Robin Mize, Lauren Noel, Renata Schneider, Jackie Zook; Andrew Belongea (correspondent); Jessica Gibson (staff), Martin Kong (staff), Jen Masciadrelli (staff), Adrienne Radzvickas (staff), Ted Schwitzner (staff)
Tammie called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM
- 3 new I-Share libraries have all had their “kickoff” meetings and are currently in their project timelines
- CARLI’s move to the IHLS building is complete; the address is updated on the website
- Call for CARLI committee members is now live
- Brent, Robin, Renata are rolling off the TSC this year; feel free to reapply if you’re so inclined
- New task force on Archives Task Force
- Ex Libris has announced return of Implementing Acquisitions in Alma training series
- Six 1-hour sessions
- CARLI is working on an announcement to let libraries know
- The time for FY rollover is upon us; CARLI staff is looking for a time to schedule an online conversation about it
February meeting minutes were approved as amended:
- Adrienne’s name was misspelled
- Tammie, Susan, Martin, Ted were added to attendance
Discovery Committee Report (Andrew Belongea)
Standardized NZ Local Resource Types
- Interested in hearing how people want equipment to work/be defined in their catalogs
- Tammie: Likes the idea of having one thing in particular that you can add that’s standard across all the libraries; maybe that’s the 694
- Lauren: Will patrons know what to look for/where to look for the item type? 694s will help that.
- Ted: CARLI recommendation has historically been that equipment doesn’t belong in the NZ, but maybe it’s time to rethink that policy. What would it mean to have consortially-shared equipment records? It would need some sort of (invisible) controlled field.
- Tammie: Has used “loanable technology” heading (if she remembers correctly)
- Has some questions about cataloging government documents
- Assuming that it’s mostly controlled in the 008
- People seem to be using the “z” category for “other” – but it’s reserved for govdocs
- Brent: Historical practice to code state university publications as govdocs, but it was changed 5+ years ago.
- If we implement these new NZ resource types, will it fragment the catalog?
- New indication rules for incorrect 007 codes for audio CD, audio LP, audiocassettes, Blu-ray, and DVDs
- Ted: Rules apply to records at the commensurate level; NZ rules work for NZ records, IZ rules work for IZ records.
- Indication rules can be used as filters to refine sets.
- If you want to add an NZ rule to your IZ, create a new rule in your IZ and copy and paste the text.
- Lauren: Lots of confusion around 007s – maybe that would be a good idea for a workshop?
- Why is this important?
- If records are mis-coded, patrons won’t be able to get all the available results for their searches if they use facets.
- It could interfere with I-Share requests, if the items aren’t the same “type” as patrons have requested.
- It may affect FRBR/de-duping processes. (Not entirely sure)
- Andrew: If we can’t make a case for the cleanup project, we probably shouldn’t go through with the NZ resource type project, because it will fragment records across the consortium.
- Ted: Cleanup can happen at the NZ level, but institutions need to be involved for instruction and verification
Annual Projects
- Best Practices Documentation
- Still working on it
- Narrowing it down just to policies and best practices
- Challenge comes between “may” and “shall” – what’s descriptive and what’s prescriptive?
- Robin: How often do we expect to update this?
- Our policies should be more durable than the technology we’re using
- Too broad and it loses usefulness, too narrow and we constantly have to be updating it
- Jodi: Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good; we’ve been in Alma for three years, and our policy still says “Union Catalog” and “Voyager.” Something is better than nothing at this point.
- Ted: We want the guidelines to be clear; people shouldn’t miss the directives because they’re bogged down in the description
- Jen: We do need to get it done, because the I-Share agreement references it
- Robin: We need a foundation first, and then we can go from there
- Jessica: A lot of this discussion can be quelled when we see the document that CARLI’s working on (release TBA)
- New Maintenance Project List
- One of the main things that came out of last month’s discussion is that long list had been developed over 20 years in Voyager
- What hierarchies would be helpful for determining precedence of maintenance projects?
- Three things we need to think about:
- Which tasks still apply in our current context/environment?
- What actually has to be done? How can tasks be practically accomplished? (And are there certain projects that can be done at the consortium level?)
- What should be the priorities? With limited time/staffing, what should be done first?
- Should this be a task that carries over into next year, or should we look at tackling it this year?
- Ted: It’s an ongoing project
- Connect with Andrew and the discovery project – how can we combine efforts?
- Lauren: The problems tend to be with the original OCLC records; just because it’s in the master record doesn’t mean it’s correct
- Do we want a special meeting about this, or do we want to take it up at the next meeting?
- Jessica: Aiming to have this rolled out by July, to catch the Alma re-indexing cycle
- Renata: If we can find the time to have another meeting, it would be helpful – we’re working on a tight deadline
- George: Might be good to schedule redundant workshops, so that people can attend one when they’re available
- Ted: tentatively looking at Wednesday and Thursday next week
- Making recordings available would also be helpful
- Connexion Survey
- Comments & suggestions
- Question 2: is there a possibility to expand the options there?
- Question 3: Likert instead of only yes/no?
- Ethical Cataloging and Authority Control reports are moved to next month
Tasks Assigned
- Discovery Project
- Ted is leading a TSC workshop on data cleanup next week (ties in with discovery project).
- Add a discussion of how to divide duties at this meeting.
- Connexion training survey
- Jen will send out revisions to Connexion training survey; TSC members can bench test it.
- Tammie has written a blurb on it for CARLI communication; it’s in the box folder
Tammie adjourned the meeting at 11:06 AM.
Next Meeting: April 27, 2023 at 9:30 AM on Zoom
Respectfully submitted, Jodi Craiglow