Attendance: Tammie Busch (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Susan Howell (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), George Gottschalk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Robin Mize (University of Illinois Springfield), Lauren Noel (Columbia College Chicago), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Jackie Zook (Northeastern Illinois University)
Members Absent:
CARLI Staff Attending: Jessica Gibson, Martin Kong, Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner, Adrienne Radzvickas
Minute Taker: Robin Mize
- CARLI Reports & Announcements:
- Registration for the new CARLI Counts Cohort 4 must be submitted by Dec. 1.
- EBSCO will host two Open Athens Administration sessions for administrators on the following days:
- Wednesday, November 9, 2022 from 10:00-11:00 am
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from 2:00-3:00 pm
- Nov 14, 2022 CARLI hired Annie Serrano from TX as Senior Library Application Coordinator.
- Committee Member Announcements
- None reported
- Continuing Business
- Approval of October minutes.
The October 27 meeting minutes were approved
- Annual Projects:
- Update on Best Practices document.
- No new progress to report.
The committee discussed adding a timeline for the project’s completion. CARLI staff will discuss & bring suggestions back to committee.
- Published CARLI documentation has been a merge of previous best practices and cooperative cataloging policies. The committee needs to evaluate how current intentions line up with previous documents and provide specific policy updates that reflect current needs. New documents should be presented as updates rather than as a replacement of old practices.
- Current I-Share policies are referred to as “guidelines,” but they should be considered requirements when participating in a cooperative cataloging environment.
- Discussion of SUNY & Orbis Cascade policy approaches.
- The SUNY guide contains a collection of approved policies for the Metadata Standards and Policies Working Group.
- The Orbis Cascade guide contains a collection of policies & best practices for Technical Services.
- Reflections on OCLC’s Connexion Client Training Q&A, Session 2.
- There were fewer in attendance for Session 2, held on November 9th than there were for Session 1, held on October 26.
- Comments & questions taken from the audience were useful. Discussion leaders may use OCLC’s module learning guides to provide material for talking points if necessary.
- Having a moderator read questions from chat is helpful, but it’s important to make sure previous questions aren’t repeated. Pay attention to context for follow up comments/questions.
- Ted will send out a new request for the next session registration with a description of the coming session.
- OCLC’s Connexion Client Training Q&A, Session 3 will be held on December 14th from 10am to 11:30am. There are 22 attendees currently registered.
- New Business:
- Discovery Primo VE Committee’s request for feedback from TSC members on the list of Local Fields that DPC is proposing to distribute to I-Share libraries via the Network next year.
- Informational document: The DPC explains work being done on local fields display, discoverability, and distribution. The committee will suggest the definition and distribution of local fields for all I-Share IZs. DPC requests input from TS librarians in libraries.
- Spreadsheet of Proposed Local Fields: The fields under review will include MARC 21 fields not configured by default. Ex Libris recommends networked environments coordinate definitions of local fields.
- The DPC is currently organizing webinars, training, and documentation to ease implementation.
- Project schedule: Changing local fields will require bibliographic data to be reindexed. DPC hopes to take advantage of the semi-annual automatic reindexing of Primo VE data in January and July.
- Phase 1 content will include metadata from notes, and subjects (5XX, 69X, 97X) and is planned for January 2023.
- Phase 2 content will provide metadata from more descriptive fields and is planned for July 2023.
- Other Business:
- None reported
- Tasks Assigned:
- Review the Best Practices document draft.
- Identify whether section is policy or informational. Move away from procedural content.
- Edit the Best Practices document draft.
- Jen will upload a fresh copy of the Best Practices document without comments.
- Each TSC member will create list of what is policy vs. informational content using the Best Practices document for reference. Comments should be made on the existing document using Word comments.
- Condense the content as possible.
- Include reference material for catalogers.
Next Meeting
The December meeting previously scheduled for 12/22 is rescheduled for Dec. 15 at 2pm.