Zoom Meeting
Members Attending: Tammie Busch (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Susan Howell (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), George Gottschalk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Robin Mize (University of Illinois Springfield), Lauren Noel (Columbia College Chicago), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Jackie Zook (Northeastern Illinois University)
Members Absent:
CARLI Staff Attending: Martin Kong, Adrienne Radzvickas, Ted Schwitzner
- CARLI Report and Announcements (Ted)
CARLI is working with some libraries that are interested in joining I-Share Ted will forward an email about the Alma Nov. release.
If libraries are interested in Eluna Learns training sessions they should sign up through CARLI to get a discounted rate
Upcoming CARLI events:
CARLI Libraries and the Pandemic, today at 1:00 pm
CARLI Strategic Planning Sessions, Oct. 4 & 5
CARLI Alma/Primo VE Open Office Hour, Oct. 13, 2:00 pm (topic: Title Reduction Project review)
- Committee Member Announcements
Brent shared that he is currently attending NACO training. A discussion of NACO training ensued.
Continuing Business
- Review and Approve August Minutes
The minutes were approved with one minor word correction and a couple of clarifications. In the New Business section the word “aggrandized” should be “aggregated”. In the same section “LMS”=”library management system” and “Nearly 88% of respondents rated their/their catalogers’ comfort…” means “Nearly 88% of respondents rated their own and/or their catalogers’ comfort…”.
- Annual Projects
- Best Practices
Brent asked how “nitpicky” we should be in reviewing and commenting on the draft version of CARLI Cooperative Cataloging Philosophy & Best Practices document. Ted advised that we should go over it in detail and note all problems we find and questions we have, even minor ones, as that will make the document more useful and could avoid problems in the future. The committee agreed to review the document in detail and add any comments or corrections to the document in Box.
- Invite for OCLC Training
The committee wordsmithed the document and agreed on a final form. Ted may add some final details and then send it out to CARLI lists.
- Modules for OCLC Training
Each committee member agreed to take one OCLC training module to focus on and become an “expert” on that topic. That person will lead the discussion of that topic at the debriefing sessions during the Technical Services Q&A meetings. Two modules will be discussed at each Q&A meeting. The two committee members responsible for the two modules at each meeting will act alternately as discussion leader/moderator and chat monitor.
Module 1: WorldCat, MARC and client basics -- Jodi Craiglow OCT 26, 2-3:30 p.m.
Module 2: Basic bibliographic searching -- George Gottschalk OCT 26, 2-3:30 p.m.
Module 3: Basic editing and record processing -- Renata Schneider
Module 4: Save files, file management, and batch processing --Robin Mize
Module 5: Automation and customization -- Tammie Busch
Module 6: Editing WorldCat records -- Lauren Noel
Module 7: Advanced bibliographic searching -- Jackie Zook
Module 8: Original cataloging -- Susan Howell
Module 9: Authority control -- Brent Eckert
- Ethical Cataloging
Tammie said she had questions about this project. She will discuss her questions with Ted, Jen, and Renata before our next meeting. Ted shared that CARLI has not done any further work since last spring on the experimental models that were being tested to change headings displays. Ted also shared that Knox College is interested in working on DEI issues (possibly using student interns) related to cataloging and I-Share. The topic will be revisited at a later committee meeting.
New Business
- OCLC’s processes for identifying and merging duplicate records in WorldCat -- DAC 128333 Very bad OCLC merge example.docx (collaborators only)
Tammie urged committee members to read this document from Holly Nordheden at Danville Community College about problems with merged records in OCLC and how they can negatively affect the NZ in Alma. Be prepared to discuss this at our next meeting.
- Jackie presented an issue that she has experienced at her institution that involves bib records in her IZ not being visible in the NZ and/or not visible in her Primo VE display. After discussion of possible causes it was deemed best to submit such problems, with specific examples, to CARLI Support for evaluation and correction.
- Jackie shared about issues with CZ records that she has encountered. They are often brief records with inadequate access points and detail. Discussion ensued. Tammie shared that she had success with one vendor by threatening to stop her institution’s subscription to the vendor’s products due to inadequate metadata. Ted shared information about ways to improve CZ records and his frustration with the lack of batch means of editing CZ records. He continues to lobby for this with Ex Libris.
Assignments for Next Meeting
Upcoming Important Dates
- Next Tech Services Q&A: Wednesday, October 26, 2:00-3:30 PM
- Next TSC Meeting: Thursday, October 27, 9:30-11:00 AM
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:10 AM.
Submitted by Brent Eckert