Technical Services Committee Meeting: February 7, 2018

Conference Call

Members attending:  

Mary Konkel (College of DuPage); Joelen Pastva (Northwestern University); Adrienne Radzvickas (Lincoln College); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Cynthia Romanowski (chair; Governors State University); Chris Schmit (National-Louis University); Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University); Gayle Porter (Chicago State University)

CARLI staff attending: 
Jen Masciadrelli
Nicole Swanson
Jessica Gibson
Ted Schwitnzer


Committee member announcements:

  • ISU has a job search for Head of cataloging access and acquisitions.
  • If attending ALA midwinter, the guidelines for media resources in academic libraries – open forum is on 2/10 10:30-noon (Mary). Sheridan Denver Downtown.
  • Cynthia is presenting on assessment on Sunday at ALA midwinter; GSU has multiple job openings: cataloging, ILL, digital/web position, public services. 

CARLI reports:

  • Copyright Q&A webinar with Sara Benson, Copyright Librarian at UIUC on March 6, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, registration is available on the CARLI calendar.
  • The Preservation Committee is sponsoring an Open House at the University of Chicago and the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago on Friday, April 20, 2018. Registration will be announced soon.
  • Registration has also opened for the Open Textbook Network Trainers In-Person Workshops on April 23, 24, and 26.
    • Locations:
      • April 23: Governors State University
      • April 24: Loyola University Chicago, Water Tower Campus
      • April 26: Heartland Community College
  • Collection Management Committee: sent an eBook survey to ask for input on local practices with Open Access Ebooks. Opportunity to purchase consortial ebooks through ProQuest ends June 30th. Also there is an opportunity for consortial purchase for education curriculum material. Please see newsletter for full details .


  • •    Annual Project – switching focus to more of a recommendation process. This way we don’t need to worry about webinars going out of date instantly with any changes in New VuFind.
    • Committee’s interest in facets/formats; indexes, and record displays.
    • Jessica Gibson described 
      • the concluded OPAC group’s role in assisting with indexing in VuFind 0.6. 
      • how indexing of New VuFind was completely uncustomized and they are working to make it more appropriate for our consortium. If there are things that should be incorporated in New VuFind that weren’t in 0.6, recommend them! 
      • there is a relevancy algorithm, but it was not documented because of how difficult it is to understand. 
      • Recommendations of the Committee should benefit all/many I-Share members. However, recommendations that benefit only one library can still be submitted separately as individual feedback. 
    • Jessica Gibson is going to share those issues already in GitHub related to indexing and display. We can then subdivide these into groups (author, title, subject, etc) to narrow down to which people will work on that group. Further onto that, if we look at our own indexing issues (for example 880), we can recommend fields to be added to the index.
    • We can create a list of recommendations for New VuFind. Format via spreadsheet via box. Add additional details such as reasons/arguments for making the change and examples. We can include a column that indicates the topic of the recommendation: indexing, display, etc.
    • In addition to what Jessica shares that is already in GitHub, we can compile other issues for improving New VuFind including those that use to work in 0.6 that don’t in New VuFind and new improvements.
  • Sandy's blog article about LCGFT. Writing a post about identifying the records seems more like a procedural document. Not sure if it translates well to a blog interface. Would like feedback. Does this medium make sense? Other better options out there?


  • January 10, 2018 minutes approved
  • Development of Webinars is going to be shelved in favor of helping CARLI developers improve New VuFind by the Committee creating a list of recommendations related to indexing and record displays in VuFind.

Tasks Assigned:

  • Nicole Swanson and Jessica Gibson to work together to create spreadsheet and include GitHub items already related to indexing and display.
  • Committee should review past meeting minutes of the OPAC group to look at their recommendations and process for recommending changes.
  • Committee should look at the following documents and provide feedback

Meeting dates and deadlines:

•    Next Meeting: March 7, 2018 at 10:00-11:30 AM

Respectfully submitted,
Christopher Schmit