Conference Call
Members attending:
Mary Konkel (College of DuPage); Joelen Pastva (Northwestern University); Cynthia Romanowski (chair; Governors State University); Chris Schmit (National-Louis University); Gayle Porter (Chicago State University); Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Members absent:
Adrienne Radzvickas (Lincoln College); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University)
CARLI staff attending:
Jen Masciadrelli; Nicole Swanson
Committee member announcements:
- Cynthia - Participated in ALCTS-EForum last week on consortial cataloging; will co-write a brief about it for ALCTS News. Interviewing candidates for cataloging position at GSU and announced other open positions at GSU.
CARLI reports:
- Nicole - Burn recovery workshop June 13, 2018; Award Call for Illinois Technical Services Librarian. Awardee must demonstrate leadership.
Annual Project – Continued discussions of possible recommendations regarding searching in VuFind based on members’ experimentation with various ways to search.
- Issues of interest to members:
- Looking at MARC fields and also at Bib Formats documentation to find out which fields display well; plans to test what things look like in new Vufind.
- Looking at 245 field $n and $p. It can be difficult to look at title fields for teaching materials that have data [subtitles?] such as grade numbers; catalog doesn’t sort in numeric order. Is it due to a problem with normalization?
- Anything need to be added to spreadsheet, as a topic of interest?
- Why can’t you go to [view] the next record in the Result List? Currently, you need to go back to Search Results and then choose the next record.
- It is difficult to get away from the term, “Digital Video.” All video formats (BlueRay, etc.) seem to be intermingled together. People don’t know what “movie” means. They either look for DVD or Streaming media.
- Searching for format “manuscript” in Vufind and finding several format types.
- What about libraries using $g 5xx fields for copy-specific notes in order for them to display in local catalogs. Most 5xx notes are not required, and it’s too bad users can’t see this information.
For keyword searching, each MARC field is indexed in the SOLR index.
Are you more interested in facets or formats or both?
February 2018 meeting minutes approved (moved by Mary, seconded by Jessica G.) pending edits to include Gayle Porter as attending February meeting.
Tasks Assigned/Deadlines:
- Write up annual project by end of May.
- Rank items/features during May meeting?
- Add a brief introduction to accompany the recommendations? OR try to start ranking before the May meeting?
Next steps:
- Consider: What else should we put on our list?
- Specify who will benefit from the document: Catalogers, users, etc. This information will give more meaning regarding why we did this project. Next year we might decide to do webinars [based on that idea].
- What comes after the document? Keeping a relationship with CARLI developers so we can continue to contribute to these ideas? We need to stay up with development so that we can continue to contribute.
Meeting dates and deadlines:
Next Meeting: April 4, 2018 at 10:00-11:30 AM
Meeting adjourned at 11:17 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Gayle Porter