Members attending:
Elizabeth Cribbs (Northern Illinois University, co-chair), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), Lynn Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Lauren Noel (Columbia College, co-chair), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), and Tonya Webb (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
Members absent:
Dallas Long (Illinois State University)
Staff attending:
Jennifer Masciadrelli and Nicole Swanson
- New tag table updates are available. Libraries updating from a previous version will require a manual load, unless they are newly installing the VCUC which will load the new tag tables automatically.
- CARLI will hold their next cataloging training on November 6-7th. Registration is currently full. The next date available is March 19th-20th.
- The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held October 30th. Registration closes on October 22nd.
- Jen has been in contact with Terry Reese regarding MARCEdit training, and a webinar remains a possibility. CARLI will get possible training dates scheduled and follow up with the Technical Services Committee later.
- Mary Konkel reported that Open Access Week symposiums will occur at Northern Illinois University and the College of DuPage during the week of October 20th, 2014.
- CARLI hired a new staff member, Denise Green, and they are very excited to welcome her.
- Short training videos: Ted has shared what he has regarding Loading Tag Tables with Keith, who reported that all looks well so far. John Whisler is willing to work on the video for Practicing Safe Cataloging. A script for Setting Preferences will wait until after February, when the updates for Voyager 9.1 become available.
- Lauren reported that a meeting has been scheduled for October 21st to discuss the Annual Project. Kavita, Tonya, Keith, and Dallas will work on the draft document, and Ann and Elizabeth will serve as editors once the draft has been completed.
- Potential main sessions and breakout sessions for the Spring forum were discussed. Ideas suggested include comparing differences among vendors, experiences with shelf-ready items, pitfalls and errors to avoid when dealing with shelf-ready materials, best practices for shelf-ready materials, how to begin dealing with shelf-ready materials, and how staff members are using time that they have gained by sending materials out for shelf-ready preparation. Various locations for the Spring forum were also discussed, and Nicole and Jen emphasized that CARLI would really like for the event to occur north of I-80 to encourage participation from the northern Illinois CARLI members. Venues suggested include Loyola, Roosevelt, De Paul, facilities in Oak Brook, and the University of Illinois-Chicago. Lauren and Elizabeth were asked to compile a first-draft of a timeline for the day, and Kavita was asked to look into renting space at the University of Illinois-Chicago.
- Elizabeth gave an update about the first meeting of representatives from the Public Services Committee and Technical Services Committee and their decisions about Communicating RDA to Non-Technical Services staff members. The audience of the three proposed webinars will be public services staff members, and the webinars will focus on why RDA came into being, technical details, and local practice/display decisions. The next meeting is scheduled in early November.
- Lynn gave an update from the TSC subcommittee working on revising the “Standards for Bibliographic Records in I-Share.” The group met on September 23rd, revisions were made and put into a new document created by Keith. The discussions were fruitful but have not finished yet, and the “Cooperative Cataloging for I-Share Databases” document still needs work. A meeting is scheduled for October 15th, and the work will continue.
- The minutes from September 9th’s conference call meeting were approved with minor revisions.
- The DDA Highlights Paper prepared by Lynn Fields was approved for inclusion in the packet for the Annual Meeting on October 30th. Lynn was thanked for her hard work.
Tasks Assigned:
- Lauren and Elizabeth will draw up a first-draft schedule for the Spring forum.
- Kavita will look into using the University of Ilinois-Chicago for the Spring forum’s meeting space.