Technical Services Committee Meeting: September 9, 2014

conference call

Members attending:  Elizabeth Cribbs (Northern Illinois University, co-chair), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Lynn Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Lauren Noel (Columbia College, co-chair), Tonya Webb (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), and Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Members absent:  Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University)

Staff attending:  Jen Masciadrelli, and Nicole Swanson.


  • Aug. 19th minutes approved.
  • The committee will submit a handout summarizing last year’s white paper for the CARLI annual meeting.
  • Shelf-ready items will be the topic for the annual project and the spring forum. 


  • Mary Tatro announced the upcoming RDA training: RDA for Music: Classical Music Audio Recordings in October which will soon be added to the RDA trainings calendar. 
  • Jen announced that the Voyager 9 upgrade will take place June 2015, they anticipate no more than 2-3 days for the upgrade and up to a week for the reindexing. There will also be a webpage created with forthcoming information about the upgrade.


  • Results from the survey of topics for short training tutorial videos for new technical services staff were discussed.  The three voted most critical include: Practicing safe cataloging for the UC, Voyager Cataloging client session defaults and preferences, and Loading consortial tag tables. CARLI staff can update the cataloging client session defaults and preferences with Voyager 9 information.
  • Possibly submitting a handout for the CARLI annual meeting Oct. 30th which summarizes the 2014 white paper was discussed.  
  • Topics for the annual project were considered, with shelf-ready items being the preferred topic. 
  • Possible topics for the Spring Forum were discussed. Shelf-ready items was preferred since the topic would benefit the largest audience including staff working in technical services, acquisitions, and collection services.  Breakout topics were considered. Possible dates for the Spring Forum include April 16, 17, 23, or 24, 2015, with Friday dates being preferred. Due to a lack of travel budgets, committee members requested a central location such as Champaign or Bloomington. Chicago locations and Kankakee were also considered  
  • The Public Services Committee meets on 9/11 and will discuss a possible collaboration with this committee on Communicating RDA to Non-Technical Services staff. 
  • The TSC subgroup for revising “Standards for Bibliographic Records in I-Share” is meeting Sept. 23. Please either log into Google docs before editing, or initial any updates. 

Tasks assigned

  • Lynn Fields will send a summary draft of the 2014 white paper to the committee before the next meeting.
  • Kavita, Tonya, Keith, and (Dallas?) volunteered to be on the annual project subgroup. Elizabeth and Ann volunteered to help edit the final product.
  • Jen and Nicole will look into possible sites for the Spring Forum.
  • Nicole will inquire with John Whisler to see if he is interested in collaborating or presenting on the short training video(s) on practicing safe cataloging for the UC. He created the original document on this topic.
  • Mary Konkel volunteered to help edit the script for the training video(s) on practicing safe cataloging for the UC.
  • Keith volunteered to help Ted with the script for the training video on loading consortial tag tables.

Tonya Webb